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Margot Wallström
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden
Margot Wallström 55m
If not now – when should a Foreign Minister speak up for peace, dialogue and nuclear disarmament?
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Margot Wallström 2h
Reports of new nuclear test by North Korea a turn for the worse. Further endangers international peace, stability. UNSC role important.
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Margot Wallström 20h
As moves to re-election we urge its leaders and people to undertake free, fair and peaceful elections.
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Margot Wallström Sep 2
Attacks on civilians in Myanmar's Rakhine State must end.
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Margot Wallström Sep 1
Many diplomats & other employees assuming their new positions today. I wish you all the best!
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Margot Wallström Sep 1
UN and African Union = key partners for peace and security. has renewed mandate of + visits the AU in Addis next week
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Margot Wallström retweeted
Swedish MFA Aug 31
We are putting the spotlight on women who have paved the way. Meet Malala Yousafzai! .
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Margot Wallström Aug 31
Deltar strax i interpellationsdebatter i riksdagen om bland annat Venezuela, Saudiarabien och Syrien. Följ gärna på .
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Margot Wallström Aug 30
Discussion in today on . The violence in Rakhine State is concerning. Will follow closely.
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Margot Wallström Aug 30
Welcome release of Dr Mudawi Ibrahim & other human rights defenders in . Space for civil society discussed with FM Ghandour last week.
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Margot Wallström Aug 29
Om inte nu, när ska en utrikesminister argumentera för fred, säkerhet och kärnvapennedrustning?
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Margot Wallström retweeted
SwedenUN 🇸🇪 Aug 29
statement strongly condemns missile launch on 28 Aug. Council members resolute in commitment to denuclearized Korean Peninsula.
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Margot Wallström retweeted
EU External Action Aug 29
DPRK fired missile over Japan. "A serious threat to international peace and security" Full Statement ➡️
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Margot Wallström Aug 29
Strongly condemn the latest missile launch by North Korea. These provocations must end.
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Margot Wallström Aug 29
Since nuclear weapons testing began in July 1945, nearly 2000 tests have taken place. Today is the International Day .
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Margot Wallström Aug 28
Stop for a moment and remember Raoul Wallenberg and his actions. My speech at Raoul Wallenberg Day:
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Margot Wallström Aug 28
Välkomna alla ambassadörer till UDs chefsvecka i Stockholm. Ni har viktiga, ofta svåra, inspirerande uppgifter världen över. Tack!
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Margot Wallström Aug 28
Recent developments in Guatemala very worrying. Crucial that CICIG and can continue their important work against impunity
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Margot Wallström Aug 27
Important task to prevent pirate attacks and ensure safe route for humanitarian aid 2/2
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Margot Wallström Aug 27
Today Swedish soldiers and HNLMS Rotterdam heading for to assist . 1/2
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