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Women Lawyers' Assoc SA Pres. Deputy Chair Welcome to AusBoard. Aus Women Lawyers Board. Tweets = own opinions.
Leah Sep 1
2am in ? Certainly sounded like it here! followed by thunder which sounded different.
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Leah Sep 1
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Leah retweeted
Mohammad Al-Khafaji Aug 31
What to help people seeking asylum affected by recent changes in SA? Donate here & RT.
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Leah retweeted
Jane Needham SC Aug 31
Good article by on the value of pro bono work
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Leah Aug 31
Goodmorning spring
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Leah retweeted
WGEA Aug 31
is next Monday 4 Sept. Get the facts about the day & how the gender pay gap adds up over time
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Lavanya Kala Aug 31
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Leah retweeted
Our Watch Aug 31
"In businesses with more than 200 people, just 12% of principal manager positions are held by women"
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Leah retweeted
Maurice Blackburn Aug 30
There is a gender pay gap in every industry in Australia, from 9.4% in education to 33.5% in finance
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Leah retweeted
Castan Centre Aug 31
What's happening on Manus Island & what can we do about it? An important read from Castan Associate Azedah Dastyari
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Leah retweeted
Brad Chilcott Aug 30
We show them what cruelty looks like. They show us what generosity and kindness are.
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Leah retweeted
Mohammad Al-Khafaji Aug 30
tune in to at 7 for a chat with Peter Goers about & how people can help asylum seekers in the community.
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Leah retweeted
Daniel Webb Aug 29
Churches around Australia offer sanctuary to anyone Dutton tries to deport to danger on Nauru or Manus.
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Leah Aug 29
Join and for the launch of this report - please RSVP if attending.
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Leah retweeted
Daniel Webb Aug 28
Dutton tried to harm these families once before but Australians took a stand. It's happening again.
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Leah retweeted
LawSocietyPresident Aug 29
Absolutely. motto is 'omnium jura defendimus' - defending the rights of all.
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Leah Aug 29
AWL agree with your stance !
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Leah retweeted
Aust Women Lawyers Aug 28
Meet the woman who can lay claim to being Australia's first female judge via
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Leah Aug 28
How you can help people who’ve been to Nauru or Manus ()
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Leah retweeted
RadioAdelaideBrekky Aug 28
Asylum seekers that recieved medical treatment in Australia are facing deportation. Mohammad Al-Khafaji will tell us more
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