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  1. 18m

    NO! No. No no no no no. NOOOOOOOOO! Enough is enough. Keep your goddamn tiny hands off NASA.

  2. 11h

    The about have been extremely clear for a long time. We are entering a period of consequences.

  3. 1h
    Replying to

    the so called heros of this revolutionary idiology would b scumbags protecting the planet from the parasitic filth of

  4. People View all

  5. Sep 1

    Houston, Mumbai, Niger, Nigeria. We have a moral duty to talk about :

  6. 7h

    Pruitt ruined the EPA. MIA during Harvey. Get ready for large scale disasters due to Pruitt should resign! RT if you agree

  7. 3h

    Hey f*cking Republican deniers. 500 yr flood every couple yrs, 106 in SF Bay Area What's it gonna take? Your death?

  8. Aug 31
  9. Aug 31

    The MSM is trying desperately to keep alive. I think for the first time in years, it isn't working anymore. People are aware.

  10. 57m

    This is why we can't ignore .

  11. 8h

    THREAD: A lot of people asking how affected Hurricane . Here are the key facts:

  12. Aug 31

    The and are just a taste of what things will be like in the coming decades if we don't address !

  13. 23h

    New study: Global warming doubles growth rates of Antarctic seabed's marine fauna

  14. Sep 1
  15. 3h

    I'm on the road, cruising through Silicon Valley and it's 106 degrees.

  16. 15h
  17. Aug 31

    We need to transition to an all electric society, we need to start building for more of this, sadly is just the beginning

  18. 3m

    two graphs showing CO2 concentration and temperature over past 800k years. Notice how they correlate.

  19. 1h

    urging businesses to urgently adopt measures to fight amid floods due to heavy monsoon rains

  20. 1h
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    from the beginning of warnings, decades ago, we knew there's an easy answer: simple changes to lifestyle of world's rich 20pc

  21. 1h

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