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Nasser Yassin Jul 10
Prior to crisis, approximately 3400 jobs were created annually in .
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Nasser Yassin Jul 19
That is around 23,400 births on average every year.
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Faysal ElKak Jul 17
Childbrides prevalence in Lebanon among refugees
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Nasser Yassin Jul 9
That makes around $1.25 billion injected in economy a year, 44% of which is spent on food.
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UNHCR Lebanon Jul 11
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Nasser Yassin Jul 12
Reflecting extent of poverty among and ; from suffer double burden of their refugeeness.
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IFI at AUB Jul 26
Bringing facts back to Lebanon's refugee conversation
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Nasser Yassin Jul 27
children are paying heaviest price of . A is happening in front of our eyes
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Nasser Yassin Jul 26
The negative impact of displacement are highest on .
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Wadih AL-ASMAR Jul 28
Thanks and hope some lebanese will understood that International help is benefiting &
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Nasser Yassin Jul 30
The funding gap for in 7th month of 2017 is $304.1 M. Whatever happened to for ?
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Carol El-Sayed Aug 2
Here's to a brilliant 5 months in which you casted away the clouds hovering above refugees!
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Hana Addam El-Ghali Jul 17
Educ is an imp driver of social develop. & can contribute to transformations through other sectors in post-conflict societies
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Mona Itani Jul 7
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Nasser Yassin Jul 6
Reminder of pressing needs of Internally Displaced & those living in hard to reach areas inside
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Alessandra Bajec Jul 27
Showing reality about with facts. My feature on 's Twitter series in
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AUB Jul 28
a lead partner in international research on refugee & host community prosperity
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Nasser Yassin Aug 7
My comment on current Narrative on in in Peace-Building Supplement out today
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AUB goes Hult Aug 6
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Tooma Zaghloul Jul 27
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