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Fast Company 45m
This sponge-filled syringe can plug deep and narrow wounds from gunshots or stabbings in seconds.
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Fast Company 2h
How Houston’s urban planning made a catastrophic storm even worse
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Fast Company 2h
Kenya’s Supreme Court has nullified last month’s electoral victory of incumbent President Kenyatta. What's next:
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Fast Company 3h
Try these resume templates for every stage of your career
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Fast Company 4h
This is the only type of brain training that works, according to science
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Fast Company 5h
There are 30 million positions that don’t require a BA in the US currently offering at least $55K a year on average
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Fast Company 6h
Elon Musk is wrong.
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Fast Company 7h
As you plan your future managerial career, be sure to keep these skills at the forefront.
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Fast Company 8h
Inside the L.A. mall that’s defying the retail apocalypse
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Fast Company 9h
Here’s how convinced to make a major concession on workers’ rights
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Fast Company 11h
This designer built a secret studio that hangs beneath an underpass
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Fast Company 12h
Humans contributed to Hurricane Harvey's severity—not only through climate change but the way Houston was developed.
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Fast Company 13h
What you thought you understood about the world map is wrong
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Fast Company 14h
This podcast host has interviewed over 300 entrepreneurs—here’s their most counterintuitive advice
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Fast Company 14h
Casper hopes to make waves with its new mattress
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Fast Company 15h
This CEO’s one-page list for keeping his priorities straight
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Fast Company 15h
3 times it’s worth burning a bridge in your career
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Fast Company 16h
Tim Cook: since the government isn't doing it, Apple has a "moral responsibility to help grow the economy"
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Fast Company 17h
This startup CEO’s email to his team is a masterclass in vulnerability. Read his simple, honest story.
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Fast Company 17h
You will never watch a heist movie the same way after watching this
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