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HORRIFYING: Watch watch soldiers do with one-armed Palestinian Child....where is the humanity?
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Carlos Latuff 20h
A message to Radiohead Performing in is supporting apartheid!
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Mary&JayUSA❤️🇺🇸❤️ 9h
Replying to @rose10052
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ISRAEL 💙 19h
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hazhar Ghazi 4h
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Sputnik 3h
BREAKING: 's air force attacks after projectiles fall in
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Tell me more about the inhumane situation in Gaza....
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Rising Sun 14m
Video of recent anti- protest in Berlin yesterday The Al-Quds-Day is an -backed international day to protest n
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Rami 18h
The man of the 2 wars on & 1 on Gaza; former |i prime minster Ehud Olmert: L 2007 R 2017
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🇺🇸🍀Suzanne🍀🇺🇸 Jun 22
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بی نقطه Jun 21
All of people know that is a and hope for destroyed day of israel.
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Kevork Almassian 3h
has just bombed positions in North , while the was repelling offensive.
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Dr. Basem Naim Jun 23
🔴 American zionists negotiating with zionists to end occupation to .
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B'Tselem: 's killing of Palestinian fisherman last month in 'unjustifiable'
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The Intel Crab 2h
now claims that ten projectiles were fired from into the .
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Replying to @Syria_Hezb_Iran
|i helicopter strikes governorate building & mechanized oven in Madinat Al-Baath, providing direct support for VS
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