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Andy Ostroy 2h
Correction: stock market's risen straight up like a rocket since 2009. Tripled under . "5 months?" Sociopath please....
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One America News 11h
Becomes Most Expensive Ex-President in U.S. History -
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Lola💋 🇺🇸 3h
Ya wanna know who is covering for? Dont be naive. This all goes back 2 fake .⬅Biggest lie ever in US history.
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PankTendeez 8h
Texas could sure use that $150 billion gave to Iran about now.
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Kevin W. Aug 29
Newt: 8 yrs of were a disaster & from the at almost every level & they've never recovered.
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James Woods 11h
And if stopped short, you'd get whiplash.
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Kevin W. Aug 26
Over 120 Murders Directly Tied to ’s Release of Illegals in 2015 Alone
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Zephyr361 Aug 30
propagandized 's 1.5% was the new normal..that America's best days were behind her. How then did just deliver 3% GDP?
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Mike 11h
⚠️James Comey literally protected everybody ✅ Etc Money or end up "deaded"
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Who For President in 2020..?? (Plz RETWEET after voting)
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Kevin W. 13h
Gorka - Trump is Battling Holders & People in the White House Who Would Be Clinton Cabinet Members. I'll Continue to Support Trump!
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Mike Aug 31
✅ Not a criminal like ✅ FOR THE PEOPLE ✅ Drain the swamp ✅ Jail Hillary and crew ✅ 🇺🇸 ✅ Jobs
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Jay Sekulow Aug 31
The Admin hid intelligence on Iranian militants in to push deal. It was a fraud committed on the American people.
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Wonder if an EO could help CUT THE FAT off this little deal has set for himself...
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#BuildTheWall Aug 29
What's the difference between and
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Jared Pitts 3h
is another example of the typical, worship and criticize every move makes. Stay in your not politics.
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👠ɳαɳ૮ყ ن 9h
Elitist rumored to buy another mansion 💡 How about $1M toward ❓🤔
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Mike Allen Aug 27
DEMOCRATS FORGET 6,000 Prisoners Pardoned Including Crack Dealer Who Committed Horrific Crimes.
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Kevin W. Aug 28
Media Blames Trump for 2 Yrs of Violence. was President as violence erupted w/ & for Years Wasn't He?
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is a fraud! Does the have any integrity left? Prosecute , , and the administration
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