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  1. ha ritwittato
    3 giu

    Lancement de l'initiative Femmes Fortes de en RCA W@W à Bocaranga

  2. ha ritwittato
    1 giu

    Congratulations to the newest endorser ! Thank you for your commitment to promoting in your programs and organization!

  3. ha ritwittato
    31 mag

    “When stocks of medicines or food are looted and humanitarian convoys attacked, let’s remind that thousands of people are at risk of dying or suffering from hunger or disease," recalls

    , , e altri 7
  4. ha ritwittato
    28 mag

    La réponse humanitaire n’est pas seulement une affaire de chiffres, ce sont également les visages d’enfants, de femmes et d’hommes de la qui crient leur volonté d’enfin connaître la paix et retrouver des moyens de subsistance.

    , , e altri 6
  5. ha ritwittato
    29 mag

    , c'est la hashtag de la campagne des blogueurs contre les fausses nouvelles et les messages de haine en . Partagez et utilisez si vous êtes contre les messages de haine.

  6. 30 mag

    This is simply not acceptable. Let's continue advocating for people in huge needs like this woman and her child. You're not alone, we stand with you !

  7. ha ritwittato
    24 mag

    The response efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo () continue. A new Ebola treatment center run by near -an affected area- will open later this week. WHO has deployed clinical experts to support optimized supportive care.

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  8. ha ritwittato
    25 mag

    Despite a quick international response to the Ebola outbreak in the DR Congo, there is a high risk of spread at the national and regional level. More funding is needed for preparedness efforts in surrounding countries like South Sudan and Central African Republic.

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  9. ha ritwittato
    15 mag

    IRC CAR (CET) has supported more than 1000 displaced victims of recent crises through the distribution of kits NFIs, hygiene and dignity to relieve the suffering of these people in the needs located in Paoua (CAR).

  10. ha ritwittato
    23 mag

    Monsieur le président votre peuple pleure. Nous avons besoin d’une solution solaire pour finir avec les coupures d’électricité

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  11. ha ritwittato
    17 mag

    Chaque devrait écouter cette vidéo, et ressentir la fierté que cela fait d'entendre son nom accompagné du !

  12. ha ritwittato
    15 mag

    “The greatest thrill in my life was to represent the United States of America.” Happy Birthday to Secretary Albright, America’s first woman Secretary of State—and a refugee. RT if you too and join us in wishing her a great year!

  13. ha ritwittato
    9 mag

    Le Comité de coordination des ONG Internationales en s'inquiète de la situation humanitaire à Bangui.

  14. ha ritwittato
    10 mag

    Mes voeux de bonne fête de l' aux chrétiens du et du . IYAC.

  15. 9 mag

    Performance encourageante. Courage à elles!

  16. ha ritwittato
    8 mag

    abrite aujourd'hui 77 933 personnes déplacées. Depuis déc. 2017, sa population a triplé lorsque des affrontements entre groupes armés ont éclaté dans plusieurs localités environnantes. Découvrez ci-dessous, la nouvelle dynamique des mouvements de population.

    , , e altri 6
  17. ha ritwittato
    7 mag

    Great to see this partnership with using with ; Congolese refugee kids super engaged (but where are the girls?

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  18. ha ritwittato
    3 mag

    This morning an IRC staff member, Abdulqadir Saeed Al-Ghafri, was killed in a car bomb attack outside an IRC center in Idlib, Syria. Aid workers are not – and must never be – a target. Our statement:

  19. ha ritwittato
    3 mag

    Début des distribution des 2500 Kits NFI, Hygiène et dignité en faveur des populations victimes des derniers chocs a Paoua par l'Equipe d'Urgence Pays de RCA financement par

  20. ha ritwittato
    3 mag

    In Iraq, I also joined an support group at a camp in Anbar which helps displaced Iraqi men and boys cope with the stresses of their current situation. IRC has learnt that helping men deal with trauma, stress and anxiety also reduces violence in the home.


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