Kamilia LahrichiVerified account


Public Information at | Passionate about solutions to issues | Ex international journalist | RT ≠ endorsement

Paris, France
Joined August 2010


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  1. Pinned Tweet

    Must-see documentary on refugees' journey to Europe filmed by themselves: terrifying, intimate, epic

  2. 11h

    "Helping and migrants become productive members of society helps everyone in that society.”

  3. 15h

    As a , and a girl at that, she was told there was no place for her in the classroom.

  4. 16h

    "When are treated as potential contributors, some good can be rescued from disaster."

  5. 22h

    Can you imagine the entire population of the United Kingdom fleeing their home ?

  6. Great interactive map that charts migrations around the world over the last half-century.

  7. The influx of Syrians into the country will end up being a bonus rather than a burden.

  8. Millennials are more emphatic of ’ situation, says report.

  9. War, violence and persecution worldwide are causing more people than ever to be forcibly displaced.

  10. « J’ai eu une vie difficile. Je ne veux plus trop réfléchir. »

  11. “It was easier to be against and be scared of them than try to look into who they were.”

  12. "This scholarship is my only way out."

  13. Emigration from Venezuela has increased exponentially amid the country’s humanitarian and political crisis

  14. How sad is this news ? 1 of every 2 is a child.

  15. "Il faut aussi davantage de voies d'admission légales pour les personnes nécessitant une protection internationale." sur

    , , and 3 others
  16. 🎥 is live on talking about the situation of and migrants in Europe.

    , , and 4 others
  17. Three children ages 8 to 10 and a woman were among the dead.

  18. Retweeted
    Aug 29

    : À 18h, reçoit H Védrine, , et Vos questions / 💻Facebook /📱4 26 26

  19. has only received 12% of the funding needed to help Central African . by

  20. Australia to cut off $200-a-fortnight welfare payment from asylum seekers & remove public housing.

  21. President Macron announced plan to curb migration across Mediterranean after meeting African & European leaders.

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