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OCHA Syria
We mobilize & coordinate assistance in response to the crisis in Syria
OCHA Syria 16h
Have you signed the petition to protect them? Aid workers are
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OCHA Syria Aug 31
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OCHA Syria Aug 31
The is deeply concerned for the safety & protection of up to 25,000 civilians trapped in the crossfire of the ongoing fight in
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OCHA Syria Aug 31
"We are all witnesses to the destruction of a country, its people, its children, its future,"
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OCHA Syria Aug 31
أبلغ عن 3 حالات شلل الأطفال (النمط 2) وتوجد العدوى حالياً في 3 محافظات إقرأ آخر تقاريرنا عن شمال شرق بالعربية
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OCHA Syria Aug 30
In the name of common humanity, urged to stop people's suffering in WATCH
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OCHA Syria Aug 29
Thousands of children in will benefit from a new food & nutrition education programme READ statement
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OCHA Syria Aug 27
Food, health, WASH, nutrition & other emergency items are being offloaded in hard-to-reach by
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OCHA Syria Aug 27
Teams from crossed frontlines to deliver emergency assistance enough for 107,500 people in
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OCHA Syria Aug 26
Today, teams delivered food in and conducted assessment to better help people in need
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OCHA Syria Aug 26
First convoy entered to deliver food for 20,000 people and conduct multi-sectoral assessments
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OCHA Syria Aug 25
Documenting war, natural disasters & poverty impact on people, shares stories of his photos
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OCHA Syria Aug 24
: يتعرض آلاف المدنيين المحاصرين في لوابل نيران جميع الأطراف للسيطرة على المدينة
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OCHA Syria Aug 24
Survivors and witnesses said they faced IS booby traps & snipers against those trying to flee, and constant strikes by the US-led coalition
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OCHA Syria retweeted
WFP Middle East Aug 22
Busy as a bee! After losing his livelihood, Adnan is back on his feet thanks to ’s beekeeping project in .
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OCHA Syria Aug 23
Violence in has led millions of families to flee their homes—often several times. Displaced people and refugees are
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OCHA Syria Aug 23
The condemns targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure in . READ statement
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OCHA Syria Aug 22
: أسفرت العمليات العسكرية المكثفة وغارات التحالف ضد في أحياء مكتظة في عن سقوط الكثيرين
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OCHA Syria Aug 22
STATEMENT: is deeply concern over the significant number of civilians reportedly killed in
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OCHA Syria Aug 22
Today, stood together to reaffirm that aid workers, medical staff and civilians in are all
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