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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض
Journalist. MidEast Video Producer for UNHCR . Formerly with . Proud , alumni.Tweets are mine.
Dalal Mawadدلال معوض 23h
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض 23h
U.S. Airstrikes Block Convoy Transferring ISIS Fighters
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
UN Refugee Agency 24h
This brave refugee dad ignored community pressure to marry off his daughters and insisted they go to school instead.
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض 23h
Unfortunately her heels are a topic of discussion but this article is right ! Melania Trump’s heels in Texas
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
UNHCR Lebanon Aug 31
"Education empowers young refugees to give back and to rebuild their country when it is safe for them to do so"
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
Lisa Abou Khaled Aug 31
. "We plan to receive 265,000 Lebanese & 220,000 refugee students in public schools in the upcoming school year".
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
UN Refugee Agency Aug 30
History shows us that the world has been able to come together to help refugees. These three examples are proof:
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
Mona Fawaz Aug 30
Remember this picture that broke so many of our hearts a few years ago?
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
Nasser Yassin Aug 30
Need to counter hostility towards in & build positive relationships between them & hosts
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض Aug 29
Replying to @ramezdagher
I think he genuinely believes what he says 😂
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض Aug 29
Replying to @ramezdagher
How naive are these statements and the people that believe them
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
UN Refugee Agency Aug 29
Replying to @Refugees
With the dramatic worsening of situation in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, we're ready to support Bangladesh in helping refugees seek safety.
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض Aug 29
Mother of 13 recalls horror of Telafar escape: via
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
Al Jazeera News Aug 28
"Even a baby was not spared by the army." Myanmar security forces accused of extrajudicial killings of Rohingya
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
Imad Bazzi Aug 28
لا يشعر بالوجع إلا من عاشه. ماري وحسين.. تحية من القلب.
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
Mohammed Jamjoom Aug 27
In , , relatives of 9 kidnapped soldiers started day w hope & ended it w despair-our latest..
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
Richard Colebourn Aug 25
BBC News - From an Egyptian girl to a Scottish man
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض Aug 25
This is the man that pardoned !
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
Ali Abunimah Aug 25
Arpaio pardon is nothing more than a formal acknowledgement of the de facto impunity police already enjoy for murder and mayhem nationwide.
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Dalal Mawadدلال معوض retweeted
Peter Greste Aug 25
An extraordinary, impassioned plea to understand diversity from British broadcasting legend Jon Snow
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