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  1. 17 minuti fa
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    And it was YOU who initially changed the subject of this thread.

  2. 17 minuti fa

    ..and they referred to us as hateful during the election..

  3. 19 minuti fa

    So by Maxine Waters standards if you work for Planned Parenthood you should be harassed for killing babies

  4. 26 minuti fa
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    Not sure what this has to do with kicking someone out of a restaurant specifically due to their employment of affiliation to a President. The is nothing shy of insanity and delusion.

  5. 32 minuti fa
  6. 34 minuti fa
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    Yea sure I guess Dole & Reagan also collided with Russia since Manafort worked with them too 🙄😐🤦🏽‍♂️

  7. 36 minuti fa
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  8. 40 minuti fa

    Just in general you should probably yell “Nazi” or “Fascist” at anything you don’t like. Examples include, but are not limited to: •Traffic •Trans-fats •Bug bites •Commercials that are way louder than the tv show ...because yelling it always makes it true.

  9. 41 minuti fa
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    is a sad individual! Is this all the woman has left, to attack someone who she has a difference of opinion of with? The left has become everything they say they hate!

  10. 43 minuti fa
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  11. In risposta a , e

    Let me get this straight 🙄... you want to vote people out that are trying to protect you and your love ones and keep politicians like Cuomo that promote open borders and sanctuary cities putting you and your family at risk?

  12. 46 minuti fa

    when are you going to care about these children? The ones on every street corner. I bet you look away and dont give a crap.

  13. 48 minuti fa
    In risposta a

    Word, what do expect from a Canadian Born actor from British Columbia Canada! Is he an American Citizen now? Probably voted in California somehow as a Canadian!

  14. 59 minuti fa
  15. 8 ore fa

    Liberals praise owners when they refuse service to customers based on personal beliefs.... demonize bakers for refusing service based on personal beliefs

  16. 15 ore fa

    General Sisi removes a democratically elected leader with his army. Title: President Sisi Erdogan repeatedly winning general elections and preventing military coups. Title: Dictator Erdogan

  17. RED HEN . Now serving only PUSSIES. Picture courtesy of its Owner and family.

  18. 23 giu

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