Old Iraqi Pictures


Our country is the most beautiful (Old Iraq Pictures) I collected them from various sources to show you the beauty of Iraq.

Joined March 2015


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  1. Retweeted
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    It seems Afghanistan had an Islamic govt that was replaced by a socialist govt in a coup i 1978. Islamists then rebelled (mujaheddin) Right?

  2. 3h

    King Faisal II with members of his family, to his left Princess Badia, and the beautiful girl Tamara Dagestani in front of the camera.

  3. 3h

    The guardian of Iraq's throne, Abdul-Ella during the reception of the King of Afghanistan Mohammad Zahir Shah on his visit to Iraq in 1950.

  4. Retweeted

    Most of the leaders in Iraq who fought in WWI fought for the Ottoman Empire, which they lived in. Identity can be complicated....

  5. Retweeted
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    His Majesty Faisal II king of Iraq was not even Iraqi, he was from Hijaz in Arabia from a non Iraqi tribe called Quraish! Illegitimate king!

  6. 5h
  7. 5h
  8. 5h
  9. 5h

    This account is% Iraqi, Document the history of Iraq and all parties (States & individuals)Which are linked to this history including Turkey

  10. 5h

    It seems to me that followers of all religions agree on this model as an mascot of envy,It is somewhat similar to Istanbul logo.

  11. 6h

    The late Iraqi artist Jawad Salim sculpts a model of a woman's head in his workshop in Baghdad in the late 1950s.

  12. 6h

    Baghdad, His Majesty King Faisal II sits between Madiha al Jamil, the wife of Ghazi Dagestani, and her sister Hagar, Probably in 1941-1942.

  13. 6h

    Baghdad, Princess Badia the daughter of Sharif Ali bin Al Hussein and Princess Jalila, Mediha al Jamil and her sister Hajer al Jamil.

  14. 7h
  15. 7h
  16. 7h
  17. Retweeted
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    محو الامية اصبح الزامي في تلك السنة

  18. 7h

    Kids games carry a lot of their innocence, a picture of an area in the outskirts of Baghdad in the 1950s.

  19. 7h

    Iraq, A classroom for literacy in one of the provinces in 1978.

  20. 13h

    After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire he was forced to emigrate to Turkey,where he received a great reception by the leader Kemal Ataturk

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