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Kofi Annan
Chairman of the . Account managed by staff. Personal tweets are signed KA.
Kofi Annan 15h
to 2005: Secretary-General Kofi Annan tours a child feeding center run by in
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Kofi Annan Aug 29
Join me, & in proving that you are never too young to lead at the 2017 summit:
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Kofi Annan retweeted
Bijan Farnoudi Aug 25
Ending the meeting, Monks in Yangon say blessings for the mission of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State.
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Kofi Annan retweeted
Bijan Farnoudi Aug 25
. thanks senior Monks in Yangon for support and discusses the Advisory Commission's final report and recommendations.
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Kofi Annan retweeted
Declan O'Brien Aug 25
. sits down with young people at the U Thant centre; despite challenges now facing Myanmar they represent a very bright future
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Kofi Annan Aug 25
As Chair I am gravely concerned by & strongly condemn recent attacks in , MM. Full statement:
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Kofi Annan Aug 24
The situation in is becoming more precarious. My hope now is that all concerned will follow through on recommendations w/out delay.
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Kofi Annan Aug 24
There are tensions between the gov of Myanmar & internat'l community. These should not become a stand-off. Trust & cooperation are possible.
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Kofi Annan Aug 24
The Commission has now fulfilled its mandate. Responsibility for implementation now lies with Myanmar’s leaders, institutions and people.
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Kofi Annan Aug 24
If adopted and implemented in the spirit in which they were conceived, I believe these recommendations can trace a path to lasting peace.
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Kofi Annan Aug 24
In developing recommendations we have endeavoured to listen & learn; to carry out our mandate w/ rigorous impartiality; to focus on future
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Kofi Annan Aug 24
As the prepared our findings and recommendations over the past 12 months, my fellow commissioners and I have consulted widely.
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Kofi Annan retweeted
Rakhine Commission Aug 24
Watch the press conference presenting the final report of the live on Facebook:
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Kofi Annan Aug 24
After 1 year of consultations across Rakhine, Myanmar & the region, the has submitted its final report:
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Kofi Annan retweeted
LaetitiavandenAssum Aug 22
President of Myanmar receives copy of final report by from it's chairman
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Kofi Annan retweeted
AfricaProgressPanel Aug 21
Let's support the youth, says Panel Chair
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Kofi Annan retweeted
UN Foundation Aug 19
On , we honor the dedication and memory of who lost their lives in the line of service.
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Kofi Annan Aug 17
to 2002, when then-UNSG Kofi Annan was awarded an honorary doctorate from Zhejiang University in
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Kofi Annan retweeted
KofiAnnanFoundation Aug 17
Our Exec. Dir. Alan Doss reflects on outcomes from Electoral Integrity in Latin America summit:
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Kofi Annan Aug 17
I join the people of in mourning those lost in the recent mudslides. Read my full statement here:
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