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  2. 13h

    Who has more empathy, in light of trump's 1 million 💵 pledge. Retweet and tweet me your opinions.

  3. 12h
    Replying to

    👆🏼THIS👇🏼 Letter may provide important evidence of 's INTENT to halt 🇷🇺probe👉🏼Obstruction of Justice‼️

  4. 14h

    What do you make of Trump donating 1 million to Harvey relief efforts? Retweet and tweet me your opinions.

  5. 10h

    "$2400 to Meet HILLARY??" Tucker Carlson & Mark Steyn ROAST Hillary Clinton's Book Tour😂🤣😂 "What Happened" is 💪‼️

  6. 5h

    Should we deport criminal illegal immigrants? Retweet and tweet me your opinions.

  7. 2h

    Gov. Abbott repeatedly praises over his hurricane response: "We're getting absolutely everything we need."

  8. 9h

    Regardless of what Trump decides on DACA, he wants a humane but fair solution to this mess. It's not that simple.

  9. 12h
  10. 14h

    Maybe those pesky Russians colluded with Hillary so she could win the popular vote, hmm? 🤔😂😉

  11. 13h

    The corruption in the is astounding. From the to ,,. so they investigate . Believe it or not.

  12. 12h

    My take only. want you to cry with them and hold them. want you to help solve the problem. in .

  13. 9h

    The last person on the planet we need praying for us is ! Remember, he's never asked for forgiveness because he doesn't make mistakes

  14. Aug 31

    If went back to Paris and signed the Climate Agreement, he would be a hero to the entire world.

  15. Aug 31

    Is Tearing the Country apart? No, in my humble opinion the is tearing the country apart with their divisive hourly.

  16. Aug 31

    . on coverage of ' response to : "[The media's] upset...because 's not playing by the media playbook."

  17. 19m

    These men and women will be out of work if President repeals

  18. 20m

    If were generally called "," it might be assumed those who wear them are, well, asses. Let's avoid that. Don't RT this.

  19. 54m

    Continuing will: 1. Encourage child smuggling. 2. Usurp the power of Congress under Article 1. needs to find a better way!

  20. 1h

    said he’ll replace Manufacturing Council but CEOs wont back a racist

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