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Pope Francis
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Pope Francis 12h
Go forth and reach out to all people at the margins of society! Go there and be the Church, with the strength of the Holy Spirit.
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Pope Francis Jun 22
Let us not be distracted by the false wisdom of this world, but to follow Jesus as the one sure guide who gives meaning to our life.
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Pope Francis Jun 21
We must not turn our backs on the new forms of poverty and marginalization that prevent people from living a life of dignity.
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Pope Francis Jun 20
The personal encounter with refugees dispels fears and distorted ideologies and becomes a factor for growth in humanity.
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Pope Francis Jun 19
None of us is an island, autonomous and independent from others. We can only build the future by standing together, including everyone.
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Pope Francis Jun 18
Jesus was broken; he is broken for us. This is the Eucharist. And he asks us to give ourselves, to break ourselves, as it were, for others.
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Pope Francis Jun 17
Care for the environment is always a social concern as well. Let us hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.
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Pope Francis Jun 16
Love requires a creative, concrete response. Good intentions are not enough. The other is not a statistic, but a person to take care of.
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Pope Francis Jun 15
Everyone's existence is tied to that of others: life is not time merely passing by, life is about interactions.
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Pope Francis Jun 14
There is much need of prayer and penitence to implore the grace of conversion and an end to the many wars throughout the world.
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Pope Francis Jun 13
In his passion, Jesus took upon himself all our suffering. He knows the meaning of pain, he understands and comforts us, giving us strength.
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Pope Francis Jun 12
The Church shines forth when she is missionary, welcoming, free, faithful, poor in means and rich in love.
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Pope Francis Jun 11
The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity invites us to be a leaven of communion, consolation and mercy.
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Pope Francis Jun 10
Life can survive only because of the generosity of other lives.
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Pope Francis Jun 9
Each one of us, as a living member of the Body of Christ, is called to work for unity and peace.
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Pope Francis Jun 8
Humility and tenderness are not virtues of the weak, but of the strong.
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Pope Francis Jun 7
The Church needs everyday saints, those of ordinary life carried out with coherence.
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Pope Francis Jun 6
Let’s always remember that our faith is concrete: the Word became flesh, not an idea!
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Pope Francis Jun 5
We must never forget that the natural environment is a collective good, the patrimony of all humanity and the responsibility of everyone.
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Pope Francis Jun 4
Let us allow ourselves to be humbly led by the Holy Spirit in order to avoid taking the wrong road and closing our hearts.
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