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UNHCR Polska
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UN Refugee Agency 11h
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Filippo Grandi Aug 29
My statement following the meeting in Paris on refugees and migrants. Safe pathways for refugees are urgent.
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Filippo Grandi Aug 20
Reducing number of refugees+migrants arriving in Europe without stepping up peacemaking, development, safe pathways is morally unacceptable.
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UN Refugee Agency Aug 18
Anyone who flees their home because of conflict has the right to live in safety and dignity. Refugees and displaced people are .
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Filippo Grandi Aug 19
: we honour colleagues fallen in line of duty. Special thoughts for local workers+volunteers, so often most at risk.
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António Guterres Aug 18
Warring parties attacking hospitals & schools are cowards. They must be held accountable. Civilians are
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UN Refugee Agency Aug 16
Anyone who flees their home because of conflict has the right to live in safety + dignity.
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Melissa Fleming Aug 17
Over the past 12 months, an average of 1,800 South Sudanese have been arriving in Uganda every day.
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UN Refugee Agency Aug 15
Today our was in East Darfur, reiterating his call for the urgent need for peace in .
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António Guterres Aug 15
Racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism & Islamophobia are poisoning our societies. We must stand up against them. Every time. Everywhere.
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CentrumPomocyPrawnej Jul 31
Przez 15 lat pomogliśmy ponad 14 tysiącom osób. Teraz my gorąco prosimy o wsparcie naszego Stowarzyszenia!
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Filippo Grandi Jul 23
Urging Australia to end refugee offshore processing & work together on better ways to save lives+provide protection.
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UN Refugee Agency Jun 30
65.6m = more than the whole UK population 22.5m refugees 40.3m displaced in their country 2.8m asylum-seekers
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UNHCR United States Jun 29
The Rockefellers have always believed in welcoming refugees. The latest generation is working to make this a reality
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Ariane Rummery Jun 22
Uganda's example of humanity deserves the world's support.
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CentrumPomocyPrawnej Jun 20
to finał akcji . Udało się zebrać 32 książki!:) Dziękujemy!
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António Guterres Jun 20
Don't stop the refugees; stop the wars that produce them.
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UNHCR Polska retweeted
UN Refugee Agency Jun 19
Today is World . When we stand together , we also stand for respect and diversity for all.
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UNHCR Polska retweeted
Filippo Grandi Jun 20
"In Gambella we've hosted refugees since 1981. We have never become tired of refugees." An Ethiopian official on . Respect.
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UNHCR Polska retweeted
Filippo Grandi Jun 19
On we celebrate the courage of refugees. We honour those who help them stay safe. We think of solutions to their plight.
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