Bernie SandersVerified account


U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont is the longest-serving independent in congressional history.

Joined April 2009


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  1. Ed Schultz was a passionate defender of American workers and strongly supported trade policies that work for all, not just large corporations. For many years his voice has been strong, steady & against forces of corporate greed. Ed was a friend of mine and will be sorely missed.

  2. Retweeted

    "I think this guy has done incalculable harm to environmental protection in this country, and he is also ethically challenged," says on Scott Pruitt, adding "I'm delighted that he's gone"

  3. I will do everything possible to see that the next EPA administrator actually believes in environmental protection.

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  4. Instead of protecting our environment and combating climate change, Pruitt has worked to protect the interests of the fossil fuel industry and polluters all over the country. His resignation is a positive step forward for our country.

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  5. Scott Pruitt was the worst EPA administrator in the history of the agency. Not only has he acted, time and time again, in an unethical manner, but he has led the agency in exactly the wrong direction.

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  6. The United States must lead the world in transforming our energy system by moving aggressively to energy efficiency and sustainable energy. When we do that, we protect the planet, create jobs and save consumers money.

  7. ., climate change is real, very real—and it is devastating our planet. Stop protecting the interests and short-term profits of the fossil fuel industry, and start worrying about the world future generations will inherit.

  8. Jul 3

    We must not be about forcing over 10 million undocumented people, many of whom have been here for decades, to continue living in fear and anxiety. Congress must do what the American people want. Let us create a humane and rational immigration system.

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  9. Jul 3

    That will mean restructuring the agencies that enforce our immigration laws, including ICE. We must not be about tearing small children away from their families. We must not be about deporting DREAMers, young people who have lived in this country virtually their entire lives.

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  10. Jul 3

    In 2002 I voted against the creation of DHS and the establishment of ICE. That was the right vote. Now, it is time to do what Americans overwhelmingly want: abolish the cruel, dysfunctional immigration system we have today and pass comprehensive immigration reform.

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  11. Jul 3

    We cannot risk a Supreme Court that would put in jeopardy a woman's right to control her own body. Our job: mobilize Americans to demand the Senate must not vote on any potential Supreme Court justice until people have had a chance to make their voices heard in November.

  12. Jul 3

    Have you worked a minimum wage fast food job? What is it like to try to support yourself or your family? Do you have access to benefits or career opportunities?

  13. Jul 2

    It's time to reduce the heavy burden of student debt that is weighing down the lives of millions of former college students and make public colleges and universities tuition-free.

  14. Jul 2

    No parent should have to worry about outrageous medical bills while their child is sick. We must pass Medicare for all so that health care is a right for all people in America, not a privilege for a few who can afford it.

  15. Jun 30

    Thank you to the thousands of people turning out today to protest Trump's cruel policy of separating families. The United States of America must never be about tearing apart families or locking up children in cages.

  16. Jun 29

    "This is flirting with fascism in the open, in broad daylight now." – of Institute for Policy Studies on Trump's demonization of immigrants.

  17. Jun 29

    There can be no free society without a free media. The work of journalists in this country is absolutely essential to our communities and to a free and functioning democracy. Journalists should never have to fear for their lives as they do their work.

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  18. Jun 29

    Our thoughts today are with the victims of the horrific shooting at the Capital Gazette yesterday, their families and their colleagues.

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  19. Retweeted

    Proud to join with in putting forward a solution to reduce Social Security wait lines for individuals with disabilities and stop Social Security field office closures. Read more here ⬇️

  20. Retweeted
    Jun 28

    Sen. Bernie Sanders is hosting a town hall for workers. Their CEOs are invited


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