
You blocked @edwardmtz7

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    Our President for all of us! God Bless you Mr. President. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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    Aug 29
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    departed Norfolk today, en route to join forward-deployed forces in Japan - (file photo)

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    ICYMI - Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin Tells Conservatives: No Free Speech On MY Watch

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    Aug 17

    Retweet if you agree with me: NO MORE ISLAM. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. NO MORE.

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    News: Special Counsel Bob Mueller is working with NY AG Eric Schneiderman, a frequent Trump foe, on Manafort probe.

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    POTUS Trump is a real leader who wants to .The whiny Democrats want to Make America Divided Again. That's why he wins and they lose!😁

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    I'm not sure why no victims have exercised their 2nd amendment rights on the violent antifa terrorist group yet? 🤔

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    I suggest they ALL move to the COUNTRY of their choice, preferably, FAR FROM U.S. SHORES...........

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    Aug 29

    You go girl and stand up for our POTUS. He is really. Trying very hard to pull this country back together Kudos to you for speaking up.👍🇱🇷

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    Aug 29

    "We have evidence of a scandal of epic proportions in Congress!" ~

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    The Left has nothing to offer minority voters. Every Dem city in America is run down and has massive poverty. Why keep voting that way??

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    My bf & I will definitely NOT b buying the 37' luxury RV we saw at the at ur store in Kingston NY. All good!

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    First step of a good Socialist. Kill free speech.

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