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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Instead of prosecuting coup plotters, Turkey persecutes independent voices, like the 17 journalists now on trial.
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Japan Can Do More On Refugee Resettlement
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Less than 20 resettlements per year. Sorry, but Japan's refugee policy is pathetic. … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
OAS condemns Maduro's crushing of Venezuela democracy & economy. His only retort: they are "lapdogs of imperialism."
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Pres Maduro flouts Venezuela constitution daily, but when the chief prosecutor challenges him, he wants HER charged.
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
FBI fired Sebastian Gorka for his anti-Muslim diatribes but that didn't stop Trump from giving him White House post.
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Because Chinese money talks, widespread annual denunciations of Tiananmen Sq crackdown is now by only US and Germany
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
“Every Village a Fortress, Everyone a Watchman”
#China’s Orwellian vision for#Tibet. New@hrw illustrated glossary Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Yemen market attack killing 25 turns out to have been last statement of Saudi king son campaigning for crown prince.
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
No doubt of new Saudi crown prince qualifications, given his launching of Yemen war notorious for bombing civilians.
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Rome mayor's anti-migrant stance signals shift to right for Italy's Five Star Movement … via
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Must read, esp after
@EU#HRC35#China debacle: Why the West treats China with kid gloves …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Highly shameful for
#Greece.#EU/#humanrights values should not be for sale.#China@NikosKotzias@tsipras_eu …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Greece should be encouraging EU on rights (for asylum seekers in Greece) but blocks EU statement on rights in China.
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Repudiating Maduro's violent repression of democratic voices, Brazil suspends tear-gas sales to Venezuela.
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
If Qatar sponsors terrorism, that would make Trump complicit by approving sale to it of $12B in US arms.
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
Xi Jinping wants the rule of law to avoid unrest but not the unrest of lawyers challenging China's Communist Party.
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
STATEMENT: strongly condemn attack on
@UN@ICRC@SYRedCrescent convoy but will return to complete our mission Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
If Trump were to fire Dep AG Rosenstein, it'd be to have someone more "pliable" oversee Russia/obstruction probe.
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emilie_jp_97 Retweeted
To discourage violence in Vzla, OAS states should press for justice. My piece in
@ForeignPolicy with@DWilkinsonNYC: …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo
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