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Norway MFA
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs official Twitter profile in English. For tweets in Norwegian, visit
Norway MFA 11h
FM attending meeting in . Starting off with discussion on . Cautiously positive signals, but challenges remain.
Norway MFA Nov 19
FM meeting and humanitarian org in on the critical situation in . Norway calls for immediate end to the violence
Norway MFA retweeted
SMK Nov 16
Norway MFA Nov 17
Good meeting between FM and GAVI chief Seth Berkley. Since 2000 has helped save 9 million lives. Wide international cooperation is working! Norway = dedicated partner.
Norway MFA Nov 16
Norway regrets that the _UNJM mandate was not extended by the . Those responsible for the continued use of in must be held accountable.
Norway MFA Nov 16
Strong partnership btw & . FM and discussed protection, principled response and challenges. ,
Norway MFA Nov 15
Today the Norwegian Foreign Minister & the Minister of EEA and EU Affairs briefed the resident Ambassadors in Oslo on Norway’s foreign policy priorities.
Norway MFA retweeted
NorwayEU Nov 14
Council today discussed future of the , European and . Read the conclusions HERE:
Norway MFA retweeted
Marit Berger Røsland Nov 14
Good to have 1st hand update on +EEA/EU relations w/. Preservation of singlemarket cmn priority for
Norway MFA Nov 14
Congratulations El Salvador - 71st country to endorse .
Norway MFA Nov 14
Very good discussions with HR in Bxl today. Looking forward to continue close partnership btw Norway and on foreign & defence policy - FM
Norway MFA retweeted
NorwayEU Nov 13
Norway’s EEA & EU Minister on the way to her first EEA Council meeting to discuss brexit, the EEA Agreement and economic development. and meeting first on the agenda.
Norway MFA Nov 13
Minister in meetings in w/ next chair to prepare future cooperation. W-Balkans, a shared priority
Norway MFA Nov 12
Tragic loss of life and large scale destruction in earthquake in and . FM : Our thoughts are with the victims and the affected communities
Norway MFA retweeted
IrishForeignMinistry Nov 9
Min meets with Min for European Affairs to discuss , & strong 🇮🇪🇳🇴 relationship
Norway MFA Nov 9
Useful and interesting meeting with Secretary of State for Scotland about - State Secretary
Norway MFA retweeted
NorwayEU Nov 8
Norwegian Minister of EEA & EU affairs spoke at thinkthank in Dublin today on Norway's relationship with EU after
Norway MFA Nov 8
supports – plays a key role in solving the global learning crisis. Foreign Minister met
Norway MFA retweeted
Julia Gillard Nov 8
Met w/ today whose continued leadership will help achieve target of $2b/year by 2020
Norway MFA Nov 7
. is key for regional peace & security. ´s Crown Prince spoke at the PRC, recognising the partnership btw & Norway
Norway MFA Nov 7
Norway–strong partner for & . Crown Prince Couple arrived for 3-days official visit joined by Deputy FM
Norway MFA Nov 7
Norway increases humanitarian aid to affected people in
Norway MFA retweeted
Forsvarsdepartement Nov 4
— Receiving the first F-35 Lighting II is a major milestone for Norway. Read more:
Norway MFA Nov 2
Promoting & independent media is a priority for the Norwegian Gov –State Secretary
Norway MFA Nov 2
9 in 10 cases of killed journalists remain unresolved. Norway urges all states to keep and today.
Norway MFA Nov 2
welcomes the full return of PA control over Gaza crossings & supports continued implementation of the Cairo Agreement
Norway MFA Nov 2
Quality depends on increased financing - FM at Oslo launch of
Norway MFA Nov 1
Nordic cooperation important in a changing world. FM Eriksen Søreide meets colleagues in Helsinki
Norway MFA retweeted
Erna Solberg Oct 31
My deepfelt condolences to all affected by the act of terror on . stands with the people of .
Norway MFA Oct 31
Agreement on EUR 116.7 mill signed between Norway and Greece under the :