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Norway in Geneva
The official twitter account of the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN, WTO, EFTA and other IOs in Geneva. Retweets are not endorsements.
Norway in Geneva retweeted
NorwayUN🇳🇴 Aug 29
welcomes the new approach to in . We are pleased to contribute USD 800,000 to Trust Fund.
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Norway in Geneva Aug 21
ICRC's VP Beerli: Respect for International Humanitarian Law would lead to less civilian suffering
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Norway in Geneva Aug 21
. calls on States to operationalise the UNSecCouncil resolution 2286 which condemns attacks against medical facilities, personnel
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Norway in Geneva Aug 21
Norway joins Geneva community in marking Patients, health workers, hospitals, ambulances are
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Norway in Geneva Aug 19
Civilians. Children. Health workers. Aid workers. Hospitals. Schools. Endorse
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Norway in Geneva retweeted
Hans Brattskar Aug 19
Today on the message is clear: Even wars have rules! Civilians
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Norway in Geneva Jul 27
Great to see on the map - Congratulations and warm welcome to
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Norway in Geneva Jul 14
Warmly welcomes Serbia's endorsement of the to protect from attack. Congratulations
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Norway in Geneva Jul 12
Closing the gender gap esp in high on the agenda at Global Review
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Norway in Geneva Jul 12
Global Review : since launch USD300 billion dispursed reaching 146 countries.
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Norway in Geneva Jul 12
has just ratified the Convention on Cluster Munitions!
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Norway in Geneva Jul 11
Ambassador Brattskar met w/ President of the Sami Parliament, Vibeke Larsen, who is visiting Geneva to take part in the 10th EMRIP session
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Norway in Geneva retweeted
Hans Brattskar Jul 7
Great to meet the Secretary General of the World Alliance for the YMCA today & hear more about their interesting youth work across the globe
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Norway in Geneva Jun 30
Agenda 2030: Let's ensure refugees, stateless & IDPs are not left behind! Read more here:
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Norway in Geneva retweeted
Melissa Pitotti Jun 30
Did you know , , & are not mentioned in the 17 or 200 indicators? Data=crucial
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Norway in Geneva Jun 30
Key challenge in achieving = ensure no-one is left behind Norway collaborates to ensure better statistics framework on displacement
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Norway in Geneva Jun 23
Norwegian-funded study presented today at with recommendations to agencies on how to prevent & respond:
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Norway in Geneva retweeted
Hans Brattskar Jun 22
Just presented resolution on Cross-regional support & adopted by consensus! V constructive dialogue / consultations
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Norway in Geneva Jun 22
HRC adopts resolution on by consensus! Thanks to all co-sponsors for strong support!
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Norway in Geneva Jun 20
We are of the view that the HRC Item 10 debates have become static, and a less genuine forum for engagement on
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