Gamal M Hassan


Minister of Planning, Investment & Econ Dev't. Former Ambassador to Kenya. Views are my own. Re-tweets#endorsements.

Mogadishu, Somalia
Joined June 2015


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  1. Retweeted
    15 hours ago

    Some ‘analysts’ use propaganda, fake news and proxy websites to influence Somalia and neighboring countries. Grow up!

  2. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    Waxaan maanta daah furay Mashruuca taageerada horumarka iyo dhaqan gelinta siyaasado lagu Daryeealyo Qaxootiga dalka kusoo laabanaya iyo Barakacaasha gudaha waxay muhiim u tahay in laga wada tashado sidii xal waara loogu heli lahaa siyaasad mideysanna looga yeelan lahaa.

  3. Retweeted

    To mark & IDLO have launched new programs aimed at supporting development, implementation of policies for return & reintegration of IDPs & in 🇸🇴

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  4. Retweeted
    Jun 19

    informs that the Plan is a critical component of the Common Approach Security (CAS) which is part of the wider .

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  5. Retweeted
    Jun 19

    I am attending very interesting Forum organized by on Somali Security Transitional Plan. Key security areas & so far security agreed approaches are the important discussion points. , Mayor of Mogadishu , are Speakers.

  6. Retweeted
    Jun 18

    We are pleased to announce that from today on wards the office operating in Nairobi has been closed and work will resume from Somalia. Somalia’s airspace will be controlled within Somalia after nearly 30 years !

  7. Retweeted
    Jun 15
  8. Retweeted
    Jun 12

    Minister of Planning Investment & Eco Dev’t ⁦⁩ making a point - useful meeting on next steps & ways in which UN can support progress

  9. Jun 11
  10. Retweeted
    Jun 11

    Iydoo laga ambaqadayo hadalkii Raisul Wasaaraha aya Wasiir Gamal Hassan maanta booqday xarunta Degmada Boondheere isagoo shir muhiim ah la galay Gudoomiyaha Degmada & xigeenada isagoo kala hadlay amniga, arimaha bulshada iyo saameyntii roobabkii ka da’ay Muqdisho.

  11. Retweeted
    May 31

    Welcomed the Minister of Planning and we discussed some crucial issues.

  12. May 31

    Waxaan maanta booqasho ugu tegey xafiiskiisa Gudoomiyaha Gollaha Shacabka ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Mursal Sh. Cabdiraxman.

  13. May 30

    It was great to see the priorities outlined in the Swiss Country Strategy (2018-2021) for Somalia were in line with our priorities as stipulated in the NDP.

  14. May 30

    Thank you @MinisterWHRD for your leadership in drafting and presenting this extremely important and timely bill to the Cabinet today. I am proud to have voted for it!

  15. Retweeted
    May 30

    The 4th steering committee meeting of the bilateral stabilization 'BLIS' between , , & FGS line Ministries took place today in Mogadishu. its part of the cooperation between Somalia and Norway that covers wide range of activities.

  16. Retweeted
    May 26

    Xafiiska ogolaanshaha mashaariicda -da ee ayaa Nairobi ugu qeybgalay shirka 3 bilaha ah ee la leeyihiin . Waxaa laga wada hadlay shaqooyinki la qabtay 3dii bilood ee la soo dhaafay iyo sidi loo wada shaqeyn lahaa iyo sidi xafiiska u xoojin lahaa howlaha uu hayo

  17. Retweeted

    On going joint and NAO Operation office meeting.The Unit was established to effectively manage & coordinate EU funded programmes, projects and development aid to .

  18. May 24

    Lots of positive feedback, input & comments from the donor community on the FGS’s Recovery & Resilience Framework— a collective vision & strategy for enabling recovery and resilience building. The RRF is a positive way forward addressing our recurring humanitarian crises.

  19. Retweeted
    May 23

    The , ministers & OPM staff, joined to a farewell & a thank you iftar for the OPM's outgoing PS . It was an occasion 2 recognise his +ve contribution to the office, & to wish him well for his future endeavours. @MinisterWHRD @uleeh1

  20. Retweeted
    May 23

    SDRF meeting is going on at Mogadishu, the main issues of the agenda are: Updates from FMS, Upcoming SPF, Agricultural policies and floods response. @MinisterWHRD


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