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Becky Bakr Abdulla
Media Adviser at the Norwegian Refugee Council | Previously based in | Annoyingly inquisitive. All views are my own |
Becky Bakr Abdulla Aug 30
booby trapped with "IEDs and mines everywhere". Now starts massive work to rebuild yet another Iraqi city:
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Becky Bakr Abdulla Aug 30
Although brief, offensive displaced over 40,000 since April. Civilians must be allowed to move freely:
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
Tuva Raanes Bogsnes Aug 29
Let's hope today’s news will mean that displaced people can move freely wherever they choose—in camps, with relatives, or back home.
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
NRC Aug 30
retaken by gov't as hundreds of thousands languish away from home :
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Becky Bakr Abdulla Aug 29
had only been back in class 3 days when forces arrived to demolish the school
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Becky Bakr Abdulla Aug 27
Civilian suffering in is a disgrace & can be stopped by influential governments. US & UK must turn around & show political will now.
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
NRC Aug 26
We condemn in the strongest possible terms the killing of civilians in airstrikes on a residential neighborhood in Sana’a, .
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Becky Bakr Abdulla Aug 25
Thank you for responding to this atrocity! Not only an attack on , also slap in the face to international aid to .
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
Tuva Raanes Bogsnes Aug 25
Good to see that the EU condemns Israel’s demolition of Palestinian schools!
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
NRC Aug 24
's growing catastrophe can end if , , , and want it to tells on
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
Espen Røst Aug 24
Skolestart i : Her får 80 barn undervisning i 40 varmegrader:
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Becky Bakr Abdulla Aug 23
School for demolished by right before school start this year. Why?!
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
Jan Egeland Aug 23
Outraged that occupiers take only power source, solar panels, at primary school I visited in Abu Nuwar. David has become Goliath.
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
NRC Aug 21
CALL TO ACTION:Half a million suspected cases of in : available
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
NRC Aug 18
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
António Guterres Aug 15
Racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism & Islamophobia are poisoning our societies. We must stand up against them. Every time. Everywhere.
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
Michelle Delaney Aug 15
Open Letter to UN boss to act on the spiralliling crisis in :
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Becky Bakr Abdulla Aug 15
Armed groups are disregarding human life in where "no place is sacred, no person is safe"
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Becky Bakr Abdulla retweeted
NRC Aug 11
: "Current status of is unprecedented, we have not seen anything like this in the world before" said Suze van Meegen
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Becky Bakr Abdulla Aug 9
airport closure kills more people than airstrikes. 10.000 Yemenis with survivable illnesses have died:
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