Jan EgelandVerified account


Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council . Currently chairing the UN/ISSG Task Force on Humanitarian Access in .

Oslo, Norway
Joined August 2013


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  1. Retweeted
    Sep 1

    Jack's friendship with his classmate- a Syrian refugee- called Rani will give you faith in the world again

  2. Retweeted
    Sep 1

    250 niñas/os y adolescentes sin por enfrentamientos en nuevo : 3125306224

    , , and 4 others
  3. Since Alan Kurdi's death another 8500 dead & missing in Mediterranean. Please see and read Sea Prayer.

  4. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    "In & , not only are life & safety threatened, also the right to freedom of movement & education"

  5. Sep 1

    : In the midst of attacks & violence in northern Rakhine, NGOs providing relief suffer false accusations.

  6. Retweeted
    Sep 1

    The Norwegian Refugee Council wishes you a happy and blessed Eid.

  7. Aug 31

    News media are blocked from covering the horrors and civilians die unnoticed. Must read from

  8. Aug 31

    Needed to save : Ceasefire now; end bombing & blockade; UN/US/UK peace initiative & massive aid.

  9. Aug 30

    Harvey gets our attention - other nat'l disasters displace 25 million pr year: more extreme weather hits more people

  10. Retweeted
    Aug 30

    PRESS RELEASE: is retaken by the 'i government as hundreds of thousands languish away from home

  11. Retweeted
    Aug 29

    Hev stemmen og gjør valget til et vendepunkt for klima! Bli med på folkets klimamarsj i Oslo lørdag 2. sept kl. 13. .

  12. Retweeted
    Aug 29

    Klokt om tolkning av meningsmålinger og frykt for flyktninger og migranter av Hellevik. burde vite bedre.

  13. Retweeted
    Aug 28
  14. Aug 28

    Millennials in the US are more welcoming of refugees than the global average, according to a new survey — Quartz

  15. Retweeted
    Aug 28
    Replying to and

    Norge og EU reagerer på skole-rasering på Vestbredden. Israel fremholder at byggetillatelse manglet:

  16. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    We really need a pause in fighting to allow humanitarian aid to reach remaining civilians in City in .

  17. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    Teams from crossed frontlines to deliver emergency assistance enough for 107,500 people in

  18. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    La ayuda humanitaria sigue siendo necesaria en “ hay zonas donde la situación está peor que hace dos años”

  19. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    “Among those killed in thursday night’s are children & elderly people with no role in this war."-Suze van Meegen.

  20. Retweeted
    Aug 26

    Absolutely beautful: father of the youngest victim of attacks embraces an imam in emotional show of unity

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