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  • Analysis

    How fragile is Burundi's peace?

    22 April 2015
    The number of Burundians who have fled abroad to escape pre-election violence has swollen to more than 12,000 in less than a month, and they...
  • Analysis

    Impossible choice for Israel deportees

    16 April 2015
    For Eritrean and Sudanese asylum-seekers facing deportation from Israel’s Holot detention centre, the future is bleak. Those who have gone before describe a hand-to-mouth existence...
  • News

    Elections fears lead to Burundi flight

    14 April 2015
    Thousands of Burundians have fled their country, fearing it might descend into violence ahead of a presidential election scheduled for June. “Burundi is sitting on...
  • Analysis

    Killing us softly

    27 March 2015
    A recent public outcry in China, sparked by a damning documentary about air pollution, was based on well-founded fear: Of the 100 million people who...