18 August 2017
Over 10,000 women and girls reached in disaster-affected Peru
Flooding and heavy rains on the northern coast of Peru caused widespread displacement and damage between February and April. Over a million people were affected and a state of emergency was declared. Women and girls...
18 August 2017
Shattering five myths about sexual violence in emergencies
Common misconceptions about gender-based violence end up stigmatizing survivors and undermining efforts to keep people safe. World Humanitarian Day is an opportunity to recognize that the world’s humanitarian...
15 August 2017
Mobile clinics deliver essential care to women and girls in remote Haiti
PICHON/BELLE-ANSE, Haiti – Delicate and petite, Nélia is 25 but looks like a teenager. She has already been pregnant three times, and has endured more than her share of tragedy. She lives in Pichon, a remote...
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