My Sport

Follow the sports and teams you love

Create your own personal BBC Sport page

to the BBC, or Register to start adding sports and teams

What is My Sport?

My Sport is a new page in BBC Sport where you can easily keep up to date with the latest news and scores for the sports and teams you love.

Inside you’ll find more than 300 sport topics to follow. Add as many as you like to create your own My Sport page.

We’ll be looking to add more features in future too.

My Sport shown on mobile and tablet

What happens when I add topics?

When you add a topic, it will be added to the My Sport page. You can read the latest stories and scores for your topics on My Sport.

A wide range of topics are available – ranging from Get Inspired to Scottish Premiership, Manchester United to Glamorgan. There are some suggested topics to choose from, but you can also use the search to find items of interest.

Topics can also be reordered, ensuring your favourite topics remain at the top of My Sport.

My Sport settings screen

Does My Sport work across all my devices?

By signing in, or creating a BBC account, your preferences & My Sport page will be available across all your devices.

This means you can keep up to date with the topics you love on your computer, phone or tablet via the BBC Sport app and website.

My Sport working across devices