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Sri Lanka

  • News

    Sri Lanka war crimes in spotlight

    9 February 2016
    Sri Lanka's president is unlikely to cave in to pressure for international participation in a war crimes tribunal, but is a compromise possible?
  • News

    Sri Lanka’s torture machine

    6 January 2016
    Sri Lanka’s new government has been lauded for efforts at reconciliation after a devastating civil war. Yet, civilians are still being abducted, tortured and sexually...
  • Analysis

    Hospitals and war crimes

    7 October 2015
    Médecins Sans Frontières says the bombing of its hospital in Kunduz by a US warplane was a war crime. The four separate enquiries* that have...
  • News

    Disabled by war, forgotten in peace

    16 September 2015
    Sri Lanka’s decades-long civil war ended six years ago, but it’s not over for many victims who suffered permanent injuries during the conflict. Government soldiers...