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Burkina Faso

  • Feature

    Is Burkina's elite guard still a threat?

    1 October 2015
    Burkina Faso’s interim government adopted a decree last week dissolving the Presidential Security Regiment, which mounted a short-lived coup two weeks ago. But despite promises...
  • Analysis

    Chocolate’s lost childhoods

    25 August 2015
    Twelve-year-old Arouna* stands shirtless in a cocoa field in southwestern Côte d’Ivoire holding a hoe, his ribs clearly visible under his dark skin. “I have...
  • Analysis

    Avian flu threatens poultry farmers

    23 June 2015
    Naba Guigma, from Burkina Faso’s Boulkiemdé province, southwest of the capital Ouagadougou, watched helplessly as his chickens and guinea fowl began to die off one...
  • Analysis

    Killing us softly

    27 March 2015
    A recent public outcry in China, sparked by a damning documentary about air pollution, was based on well-founded fear: Of the 100 million people who...