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  • News

    Ebola: Where are we now?

    27 August 2015
    For the first time in more than a year, no one in either Sierra Leone or Liberia is being treated for Ebola, raising hopes that...
  • News

    Ebola scaring away Liberia nurses

    18 August 2015
    Like hundreds of other nursing students in Liberia, Jerry Songu should have been beginning his internship this month, the final step to graduating and earning...
  • Analysis

    Ebola survivors still suffering

    10 August 2015
    West Africa’s Ebola outbreak might be winding down, but the struggles facing survivors in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone are far from over. Beyond psycho-social...
  • Analysis

    New Ebola survivors welcomed home

    6 August 2015
    When Liberia was declared Ebola-free on 9 May, 24-year-old Korlubah* thought that the deadly virus, which had killed more than 4,800 people in his country,...
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    Ebola: school woes in Liberia

    31 July 2015
    When pupils in Liberia returned to school in March after a six-month Ebola-enforced closure they thought they would be studying for the next eight months...
  • News

    Ebola vaccine: reason to be hopeful?

    31 July 2015
    News that an Ebola vaccine trialled in Guinea has proved 100 percent effective has elicited both excitement and caution from a range of actors closely...