Refugees from Burundi: Current Situation

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

Pre-Crisis and Current Situation dates on this page
Influx figures are dated as of 1 April 2015, except for Uganda which is dated as of 1 January 2015
Refugees from Burundi: Current Situation JSON 
Last updated 28 Aug 2017
Source - UNHCR, Government, MIDIMAR 
Refugees from Burundi related to the current situation – breakdown per country JSON 
Location name Source Data date Population
Democratic Republic of the Congo UNHCR, Government 30 Jun 2017
Kenya UNHCR, Government 31 May 2017
Malawi UNHCR, Government 1 Mar 2017
Mozambique UNHCR, Government 1 Mar 2017
Rwanda UNHCR, Government, MIDIMAR 28 Aug 2017
Tanzania (United Republic of) UNHCR, Government 31 Jul 2017
Uganda UNHCR, Government 31 Jul 2017
Zambia UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2016

Refugees from Burundi: Current Situation JSON 
Refugees from Burundi: Current Situation JSON 
Refugees from Burundi: Pre-Crisis JSON 
Last updated 31 Jul 2017
Source - UNHCR, Government, MIDIMAR 
Total Burundian Refugees (Pre and Current Situation) JSON 
Last updated 28 Aug 2017
Source - UNHCR, Government, MIDIMAR 
Burundian Refugees (Pre and Current Situation) - Breakdown by Country JSON 
Location name Source Data date Population
Democratic Republic of the Congo UNHCR, Government 30 Jun 2017
Kenya UNHCR, Government 31 May 2017
Malawi UNHCR, Government 1 Mar 2017
Mozambique UNHCR, Government 1 Mar 2017
Rwanda UNHCR, Government, MIDIMAR 28 Aug 2017
Tanzania (United Republic of) UNHCR, Government 31 Jul 2017
Uganda UNHCR, Government 31 Jul 2017
Zambia UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2016

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Financial information (2017)
Total Appeal$250,000,000
Received to Date$15,200,000
Gap $234,800,000
Received to Date

Individual Refugee Status Determination processing has commenced in Nduta Camp in Tanzania for some 28,000 Burundian asylum seekers living in the camp. Tanzania has lifted prima facie refugee recognition in January 2017, after which arrival rates dropped significantly. Rwanda, Uganda and the DRC continue to accept Burundians on prima facie basis.
19 Jun 2017
UNHCR launched the 2017 Supplementary Appeal for the Burundi Situation. Currently 2% of the overall funding requirements (US$ 250 million) has been received. More funding is urgently needed to increase capacity and to decongest overcrowded camps.
22 May 2017
The Burundi Situation needs urgent funding, as the total amount of contributions amounts to 1% of the overall needs. There are significant needs in refugee settlements, as the overall refugee population has grown to over 400,000, with new arrivals coming on a daily basis.
28 Apr 2017
The World Food Programme (WFP) is forced to implement food cuts in the region, affecting Burundian refugees in Tanzania and Rwanda. In Rwanda food assistance is secured only until the end of April. A possible drastic cut in food rations is foreseen in the month of May (51%) and onwards, if no further contributions are received from donors.
25 Apr 2017
1,496 Burundian refugees were in transit centers while around 1,990 individuals stayed outside due to lack of space. Most of them were women, children and older people.
31 Mar 2017
An evaluation of the 23,203 seedlings planted since 2015 in Lusenda camp assessed that 64% of them were growing well, thanks to sensitization sessions.
31 Mar 2017

Improving Community-based Protection

UNHCR strengthens leadership skills among urban refugee communities through trust building exercises between staff and refugees, 19 May 2017

By: Ruslan Shabdunov | 19 May 2017 “I’ll be a corner!” “Move forward and hold the line!” “Innocent, form an angle and hold your position!” – These and other unusual phrases were heard one sunny morning throughout the neighborhood of Kicukiro district in Kigali. Passersby could see a group of b... Read more


Burundian refugees continue to arrive in Rwanda at slow, steady pace as Burundi crisis passes two-year mark

According to UNHCR statistics 406 Burundian refugees arrived in Rwanda in April 2017, 26 Apr 2017

By: Eugene Sibomana, Communications/PI Associate, UNHCR | 26 Apr 2017 Some media outlets today reported falsely that over 10,000 refugees fled to Rwanda in April 2017, when in fact, in April this year, 406 Burundian refugees arrived in Rwanda, which is even lower than in previous months in 2017. ... Read more


Collaboration between Government of Rwanda and UN Refugee Agency has turned Mahama refugee settlement into a model town two years since opening

Mahama refugee camp is today a model settlement that sets the standard for other camps in Rwanda and even beyond., 21 Apr 2017

21 Apr 2017 Since being opened by the Government of Rwanda and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) just two years ago, Mahama is today a model settlement that sets the standard for other camps in the country and even beyond. Mahama continues to grow in order to accommodate new arrivals who are fleeing ... Read more


IMF paints bleak no-growth picture for struggling Burundi

Reuters, 19 Apr 2017

The International Monetary Fund has slashed its projection for Burundi's economic growth this year to nil and projected just 0.1 percent in 2018. It gave no specific reason for the 2017 revision from 2 percent, but Burundi has been suffering from a severe drought like much of the wider region. ... Read more


Diner gives Burundian refugee a taste of self reliance

UNHCR website, 05 Apr 2017

Running a small neighborhood restaurant in the Democratic Republic of the Congo gives a cook back her pride and her independence. Read more