At UNHCR, we work hard to ease their struggle, ensuring safe shelters that offer privacy, assistance with construction or maintenance, fair food distribution systems and separate sanitation facilities. We also manage programmes that help women to improve their leadership skills, overcome barriers to education, and access opportunities.
Our work builds upon women’s own resilience and strength, and helps them to improve their lives, as well as those of their children, families and communities, every single day.
Who we work with
UNHCR is just one of many organizations working around the world to help displaced women and girls.
We take part in a number of inter-agency fora that address gender issues and sexual violence, such as the UN Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict and the Inter-Agency Standing Committee's Sub-Working Group on Gender. The UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict, gathering UNHCR and other UN agencies, was set up to highlight and create awareness of abuses against women and, ultimately, to end sexual violence and make the world safer for women and girls.
UNHCR Review of Gender Equality in Operations 2016
Age, Gender and Diversity Accountability Report 2016
UNHCR's Commitment to Gender Equality
UNHCR's Good Practices
- Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response in Refugee Situations in the Middle East and North Africa (2015)
- Age, Gender and Diversity Good Practices in the Americas (2015)
- Speaking for Ourselves: Hearing Refugee Voices (2014)
- Dialogues with Refugee Women (2013)
- Age, Gender and Diversity Best Practice Compilation (2012)
- Survivors, Protectors, Providers: Refugee Women Speak Out (2011)
Handbooks and other resources
- From 1975 to 2013: UNHCR's Gender Equality Chronology
- IASC Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action
- UNHCR Handbook for the Protection of Women and Girls
- UNHCR Gender Training Kit on Refugee Protection and Resource Handbook
- Refworld special feature on Gender Equality and Women
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
SGBV is a violation of human rights. It denies a person dignity and hurts human development.