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Jessica Brillhart
Principal Filmmaker for VR at Google
Principal Filmmaker for VR at Google

Jessica Brillhart's posts

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DeepDream VR – made in collaboration with +Doug Fritz and Google's Artists and Machine Intelligence program. #vr #ai

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It's all happening! #omg   #omg   #omg  
Epic G+ Hangout live with the International Space Station & Star Trek at noon ET today. Join us:  

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Ah, yes. The meat planet. Thanks, +Michael Deal

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Couldn't be prouder of +Aaron Koblin and the Data Arts Team for this one. Hits close to home (literally and figuratively).
The coolest visualization of the Milky Way I've ever seen

Okay, take a few minutes (or hours) and explore this amazing 3-D visualization of the Milky Way, including 100,000 stars. It was created by some folks at Google - a demonstration of what's possible within the Chrome browser.

Enjoy, explore, don't blame me if you get lost in the Milky Way. 

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Happy birthday, Carl.

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The force is strong with this one.

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I am a runner. I love the sport, and I love this event. But this was a good call. When this event actually happens, it will be glorious in the way it ought to be.

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There may come a time where this kind of insightfulness will perish with those who bravely went and landed there. #winkatthemoon

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David Byrne with a swing in his step and a sparkle in his eye? Ah, because he's got an amazingly gorgeous and talented collaborator by his side on this project. Can't wait for the full album. (Video's pretty great, too.)
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