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Myles Dyer
Myles Dyer's posts

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Over the past year I have been involved with the organisation 'Bite The Ballot' and their political show 'Leaders Live' - definitely check them out!

During the live shows, it became apparent to me why civil liberties are not discussed as much as they should in mainstream politics, and why I've chosen to take up that fight myself.

P.S. Thank you for all the kind words on my video last week - it feels great to be back! It may take me a few videos to get back in full swing, but i'll get there! See you next week! x

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It feels good to be back. I now have to run and go look after my brother's puppy - but I will be back on later to reply to your comments.

I want to catchup with all of you! x

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Tonight on #LeadersLive, I challenged +Labour Party leader +Ed Miliband about the mass-surveillance programs being used by #GCHQ. (At 01:05:48)
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What a wonderful tribute for #RemembranceSunday. +Rou Reynolds recites Wilfred Owen's poem 'Dulce Et Decorum Est'. I remember reading this piece at school whilst studying Pat Barker's novel Regeneration. Truly chilling.

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Watched the documentary +Food Inc. tonight, and it was just incredible, making me feel sick and teary on occasions. I made pages of notes, and will definitely be writing a song about this (and +COWSPIRACY: the sustainability secret) on my band's next record. Plus expect a +YouTube video on this issue from me again soon!

Here are a few of the many things that stood out to me in this film:
"In 1972, the FDA conducted approximately 50,000 food safety inspections. In 2006, the FDA conducted 9,164."

"1 in 3 Americans born after 2000 will contract early onset diabetes. Among minorities the rate will be 1 in 2."

Approximately 32,000 hogs are killed each day at the world's largest slaughterhouse in Tar Heel, N.C.

"You can vote to change this system 3 times a day."

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This man sacrificed his liberty so that we could have a chance to save our own. Government officials have had plentiful airtime on mainstream media to criticise +Edward Snowden, so it's about time he had a chance to respond on the same platform.

I urge you to watch this fascinating interview before you goto sleep tonight, and to click SHARE so others can get a better idea of what global mass-surveillance means in today's world.

“I think the most important idea is to remember that there have been times throughout history where what is right is not the same as what is legal. Sometimes to do the right thing, you have to break a law.”

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If people were to watch just one video of mine this year, I would hope that it was this one.

Resources & articles I reference in the video are in the description.

Sorry for not uploading on Tuesday like usual, but while still in recovery (head injury), and with this being an epic topic... I wanted to take a bit more time this week.

Cheers! Hope this sparks lots of discussion - because we all have a part to play in this world!

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This is the story of an angry man who helped me look at the bigger picture. Have you ever experienced a similar situation?

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I do sometimes miss my long hair... 
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