Piano From Zero To Pro - Beginner Essentials To The Piano
4.6 (139 ratings)
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843 students enrolled
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Piano From Zero To Pro - Beginner Essentials To The Piano

Learn all of Amosdoll's Beginners fundementals before preparing on how to play ANY song by ear without guessing
4.6 (139 ratings)
Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course's star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.
843 students enrolled
Created by Amosdoll Music
Last updated 8/2016
Current price: 19 € Original price: 70 € Discount: 73% off
3 days left at this price!
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • 3 hours on-demand video
  • 19 Articles
  • 2 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
What Will I Learn?
  • Lock In All Beginner's Music Knowledge Required To Commence Playing By Ear
  • Apply All My Patterns And Tricks To Play Piano Without Looking Down
  • Gain Superior Advantage Over Other Beginners By Training With Strong Technique From The Very Start
  • Master Rhythm Using An Extremely Simple System (One Of The Most Important Elements In Music)
  • Save Time And Learn More By Applying My Speed Sight-Reading Tricks
View Curriculum
  • No knowledge or experience needed because this piano course covers from ground "zero"
  • It would be great if you have an acoustic piano or an electric keyboard. If you don't, fear not! You can even learn this course by playing the piano using FREE virtual piano apps on iOS devices like Garageband or online piano simulators!
  • Yake rapidou only need to practice 10-20 minutes each day to m progress (because you don't want to forget how to use all these methods and shortcuts after you have learnt them)

**Updated June 2016**

This Piano Course is in the TOP 3 positions for "How To Play Piano By Ear" in Udemy's search engine!

Do you want to play your favorite songs on the piano by ear almost instantly WITHOUT always relying on Sheet Music or Synthesia?

Do you struggle from days to months to learn only ONE new song?

Have you considered learning how to play piano but don't know WHERE to start?

Everyone starts somewhere, and this course is the first step for you!

Hi, I am Amos, owner of Amosdoll Music on YouTube with over 77,000+ subscribers and over 17,000,000 view counts where I have played over 1000+ completely new songs by ear within the time frame of a year.

Nowadays, you can find piano teachers everywhere (I swear there is a least 1 every street here in Australia), but very little amount of teachers can truly teach how to play any song by ear, let alone DO it for themselves.

However, I am for one that "preach what I teach" as I can play ANY completely new song that I haven't heard before by ear in modern day music ranging from video game songs, English/Chinese billboard songs, Kpop, movie soundtracks (and everything that you could think of) simply with my series of methods in LISTENING, and implementing melodic/harmonic/rhythmic improvisational techniques to learn ANY song within 10-20 minutes!

Wouldn't you love to do that too?

Playing by ear doesn't just come instantly in a snap of the fingers (those is all lies if others promote you that).

Before learning how to do that, you are firstly required to understand the core foundations of music... (just like how you wouldn't learn how to do the 100m sprint before learning how to walk as a baby)

Because without these foundations, nothing would make sense in my other courses, and that is why many people guess and check the keys (which is the wrong way!!).

This "BEGINNERS" course provides ALL my tricks, foundation knowledge and essentials needed before achieving all this awesome mastery.

For people who are completely new to music, this course strongly secures all your foundations.
For people who know a little knowledge already, this course fills in all the holes and gaps you are missing.

So come and join the other 560 students from over 70 countries and take this musical journey with me!

Who is the target audience?
  • This course is suitable for all ages from 8+ onwards (not for young kids)
  • Best for beginners who have little experience and knowledge about piano or music and don't know WHERE to start
  • If you are self-taught (taking bits and pieces from the internet), then this is for you because this is a fully structured course which fills in all the "gaps" missing that are required to prep for playing by ear later on.
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Curriculum For This Course
52 Lectures
Introduction: How I Discovered This Powerful Method
1 Lecture 10:15

In this lecture, you will see how my personal journey began, and how my methods in playing by ear eventually developed into something very powerful into my YouTube Channel Amosdoll Music in being able to learn and play songs within 10-20 minutes by listening to it.

Preview 10:15
How To Learn ALL The Keys On The Piano In 5 Minutes
3 Lectures 11:41

In this lecture, you will learn my best shortcuts in knowing all the keys to the piano within 5 minutes, as compared to traditional lessons which take up to a few half-an-hour lessons to go through everything in this condensed yet concise lesson.

Preview 05:37

Here are some questions based on lesson 1 for you so that the information from my methods doesn’t go flying out of your brain once you have gone through it!
(We are here to build our musical dictionary)

Quiz 1.
5 questions

Why must we need this to play by ear?

Unlike traditional lessons where you waste time to practise inside your very own lesson, here is the exercises for you to apply what you have learnt in the Module's lecture. As I always say, in tennis, or any kind of sport - even if you have the best coach in the world teaching you all the best tricks and shortcuts, it means nothing if you don't go and apply what you have learnt by going onto the tennis course and personally try it out yourself by giving it a few swings with your racquet. This is the same as music, you must apply what you have learnt by trying it out yourself by moving your fingers on the piano. Enjoy! :)

Preview 05:48
The 2 Most Important Measuring Units For Notes, Melodies & Chords
3 Lectures 06:42

In this lecture, you will fully learn about the most important units of measure when we are trying to measure the distance between one note to another. This is very important because this is what we need to think of in our head when we are listening out by ear for melodies later on since melodies are just many different notes of different distances... right? It is a similar concept when we are trying to add 13 to 20 in our head using the measure of numbers.

Half Step Full Step

Here are some questions based on lesson 2 for you so that the information from my methods doesn’t go flying out of your brain once you have gone through it!
(We are here to build our musical dictionary)

Quiz 2.
5 questions

Why must we need this to play by ear?

Unlike traditional lessons where you waste time to practise inside your very own lesson, here is the exercises for you to apply what you have learnt in the Module's lecture. As I always say, in tennis, or any kind of sport - even if you have the best coach in the world teaching you all the best tricks and shortcuts, it means nothing if you don't go and apply what you have learnt by going onto the tennis course and personally try it out yourself by giving it a few swings with your racquet. This is the same as music, you must apply what you have learnt by trying it out yourself by moving your fingers on the piano. Enjoy! :)

Practise Exercise 2.
My Best Handpicked Body Postures Which Stabilizes Future Advanced Techniques
3 Lectures 09:51

In this lecture, I would go through all the MUST-NEEDS on body posture for piano if you want to play with great agility and speed like what I do in some of my piano covers.
Look at it this way, you can always play with bad or incorrect posture for the piano, but you will get to a point that you are unable to improve on agility, speed, and accuracy.
It is the same thing where I can actually play piano with my toes (I have a video of me doing this in a 20,000 subscriber celebration video on YouTube)... but I cannot play quickly because it is not the best and most optimal posture. Yes I know this is to the extremes... but I hope you understand what I mean.

Specific Body Postures

Here are some questions for you so that the information from my methods doesn’t go flying out of your brain once you have gone through it!
(We are here to build our musical dictionary)

Quiz 3.
5 questions

Why must we need this to play by ear?

Unlike traditional lessons where you waste time to practise inside your very own lesson, here is the exercises for you to apply what you have learnt in the Module's lecture. As I always say, in tennis, or any kind of sport - even if you have the best coach in the world teaching you all the best tricks and shortcuts, it means nothing if you don't go and apply what you have learnt by going onto the tennis course and personally try it out yourself by giving it a few swings with your racquet. This is the same as music, you must apply what you have learnt by trying it out yourself by moving your fingers on the piano. Enjoy! :)

Practise Exercise 3.
The Killer Hand Shape Mistakes That Prevent You From Achieving Better Techniques
3 Lectures 13:38
Elbows, Wrist, Fingerjoints

Here are some questions for you so that the information from my methods doesn’t go flying out of your brain once you have gone through it!
(We are here to build our musical dictionary)

Quiz 4.
5 questions

Why must we need this to play by ear?

Practise Exercise 4.
Know Exactly What The Piano Can Do (And What It Can't Do)
3 Lectures 15:32
Piano Mechanics

Here are some questions for you so that the information from my methods doesn’t go flying out of your brain once you have gone through it!
(We are here to build our musical dictionary)

Quiz 5.
5 questions

Why must we need this to play by ear?

Practise Exercise 5.
The One Trick To Play Faster, Smoother & Clearer
3 Lectures 11:22
How To Play Smoother, Faster & Clearer

Here are some questions for you so that the information from my methods doesn’t go flying out of your brain once you have gone through it!
(We are here to build our musical dictionary)

Quiz 6.
5 questions

Why must we need this to play by ear?

Practise Exercise 6.
How To Do The Turning Technique Properly
3 Lectures 12:07
The 1-3 and 1-4 Turn

Here are some questions for you so that the information from my methods doesn’t go flying out of your brain once you have gone through it!
(We are here to build our musical dictionary)

Quiz 7.
5 questions

Why must we need this to play by ear?

Practise Exercise 7.
Understanding Rhythmic Meter, Time Signature & Bars Made Simple
3 Lectures 10:00
Rhythm: Meter, Common Time, Counting & Grouping Bars

Here are some questions for you so that the information from my methods doesn’t go flying out of your brain once you have gone through it!
(We are here to build our musical dictionary)

Quiz 8.
5 questions

Why must we need this to play by ear?

Practise Exercise 8.
How To Properly Count The Most Common Noteheads In Under 10 Minutes
3 Lectures 13:23
The First 3 Type Of Noteheads Most Commonly Used

Here are some questions for you so that the information from my methods doesn’t go flying out of your brain once you have gone through it!
(We are here to build our musical dictionary)

Quiz 9.
5 questions

Why must we need this to play by ear?

Practise Exercise 9.
8 More Sections
About the Instructor
Amosdoll Music
4.6 Average rating
139 Reviews
843 Students
1 Course
32,355,117+ Views | YouTube Piano Tutorials & Covers

Hi, I am Amos, a music performer and teacher located in Australia (Sydney) and the Owner of Amosdoll Music on YouTube with over 125,000+ subscribers and over 30,000,000+ view counts where I have played over 1700+ completely new songs by ear. 

Despite that, I am also a qualified Classical Pianist have 2 Diplomas AMuSa and LMuSa at hand.

If you...
- Struggle from days to months to learn only ONE new song?

-Hate learning from Synthesia tutorials and want to know how music actually works?

- Considered learning piano but don't know WHERE to start?

Then my piano courses can help you :)

Nowadays, you can find piano teachers everywhere (I can bet that you can find at least one every street in Australia), but very little amount of teachers can truly teach how to play any song by ear, let alone DO it for themselves.

However, I am for one that "preach what I teach" as I can play ANY completely new song that I haven't heard before by ear in modern day music ranging from video game songs, English/Chinese billboard songs, Kpop, movie soundtracks (and everything that you could think of) simply with my series of methods in LISTENING, and implementing melodic/harmonic/rhythmic improvisational techniques to learn ANY song within 10-20 minutes!

Wouldn't you love to do that too?

My goal is to teach these methods to ONLY those who are willing and interested to learn this. For those who want to learn something other than all the traditional music teachers doesn't teach.
I am more than happy to teach everything I know to those who share the same passion as me and that is...
