Gumroad Best-Selling Piano By Ear Book - Over 16,000 Copies Sold!

FREE Book Preview! Ear Mastery

An Insider Guide For Playing Any Song On The Piano By Ear...

"Amosdoll does a great job in covering my songs like 'Remember The Music', his methods is a successful reflection of his works." - Jennifer Hudson

What Is Ear Mastery?

Ear Mastery is not just about another "how to play piano" book that you can find from your local music shop.

It is NOT about relying on sheet music and synthesia as the main source when learning songs
-yet understanding these tricks will improve on the speed when you read sheet music by so much MORE than you've ever experienced before.

It is NOT about turning you into the next Beethoven
-yet these tricks will allow you to visualize, compose and improvise in your head just like how Beethoven continued to play and compose music even when he became deaf!

Ear Mastery is A SHORTCUT.

Many piano enthusiasts waste time and money on traditional music teachers where they take years and years just to teach you how to read and follow sheet music when not every song that you like have existing sheet music (that's the bad news). Instead of inefficiently learning one song at a time using traditional methods, Ear Mastery provides you the alternate shortcut in showing you the method that grants you the ability to play any song without sheet music (that's the good news).

Hurry, This SPECIAL offer won't last long!



Introducing Ear Mastery - The Insider Manual For Playing Any Song In The World Just By Listening...

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What People Are Saying About "Ear Mastery" On...

"I have to thank Amos for his Ear Mastery book where it taught me his method by ear and improvisation so I can play my favorite Anime and Chinese songs instead of my 4 boring grade 8 songs over and over again..."

Justin O.
Justin O. 18 // Australia

"My son Aiden never had the enthusiasm to go to lessons from other teachers before, however he loves going to Amos' lessons because at the end of each lesson, Amos goes through the Ear Mastery book with him and teaches Aiden's favorite Minecraft and Five Nights At Freddy's songs..."

Aiden 12 // NSW

Inside Of This Book, Here Are A Few Of The Secrets That You'll Be Given...

  • Looking to master playing by ear and improvistion without guessing? DON'T Read this book until you have understood these 3 secrets that make up for all songs... - pg. iv
  • How I went from a bored traditional piano learner playing 4 examination songs per year, to a human piano jukebox playing anything I hear and over 1000+ songs in one year... -pg. 3
  • One surprisingly overseen childhood trick that I use for instantly yet accurately replicating all melodies I have heard in my life... - pg. 6
  • The 3 KILLER Mistakes endorsed by traditional teachers that prevent you from playing any song by ear... (It's unfortunate because expensive traditional lessons are the only lessons that most people will ever get) - pg. 14
  • How learning from Synthesia will destroy your efforts and abilities to gain ear mastery... - pg. 16
  • The FIRST thing I tell to new clients who say that they already "know how to play by ear" but can't do it... (They actually don't know how to do it because they haven't got past the first step which is always to admit fault and learn) - pg. 18
  • My TOP 5 keys to ultimate music mastery success... (Not only playing any song by ear, but also have the ability to improvise or compose original arrangements on the spot and in any musical style) - pg. 22
  • My best tricks for anyone to quickly understand how melodies & chords work in songs and specifically where it is positioned on the piano keys... - pg. 35
  • The 2 secrets that make up for how melodies work in ALL songs... - pg. 40
  • Discover the shocking reason why 95% of pianists can never play songs by ear right on the spot... (Understand this and be the 5% who can) - pg. 55
  • My best method to recognize all ascending Major intervals without guessing... - pg. 62
  • My best method to recognize all ascending natural minor intervals without guessing... - pg. 79
  • My best method to recognize all chromatic and tritone intervals without guessing... - pg. 88
  • My best method to recognize all 12 descending intervals without guessing... - pg. 95
  • My step-by-step guide on how to apply all the melodic recognition methods into actual songs you hear... (demonstrated examples) - pg. 109
  • How to identify chords using my tweaked 'bass note voicing' method... - pg. 119
  • The one trick to instantly distinguish between major and minor chords despite whatever inversion it is in... pg. 126
  • The surprising scale degree trick that allows you to instantly work out chords in ANY key... pg. 132
  • My secret technique to knowing exactly where each chord is positioned with the melody in a song... pg. 138
  • My done-for-you template on a song I played by ear on YouTube which generated me over 800,000 views... (A proven example for you to copy) pg. 143
  • The huge mindmap on exactly what you need to become the best musician that you can be... pg. 151

What Celebrity Musicians Say
About Amosdoll's Works

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→ Send Me My Copy Of "Ear Mastery" Now!I'm Ready To Get Started! Send Me My Copy Now!!!

And That's JUST The First 150 Pages... You'll Also Get My Best 24 Proven Ear Mastery Reference Songs And Exercises... My Personal Song Templates... And SO MUCH MORE!

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Check Out What This Book Is Already Doing For Others...

JUSTIN (age 19)
Angel Beats! ED
- Brave Song

Chris (age 12)
To The Moon
- For River

Jeremy (age 6)
Pokemon Go
- I Play Pokemon Go

SARAH (age 15)
- 小幸运

Here's What To Do Next

Like I mentioned before, you can download the preview chapter of this book for free. All I need you to do is to commit to the small investment of $7 so that you can learn my best methods from anywhere in the world!

Oh, and in case you're wondering why I'm giving away my best methods at such a low price (when other traditional teachers charge so much yet teach so little to nothing about playing by ear)...

There Is No Catch!

I know there are some websites out there that offer you something awesome for free, but then chuck you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't anything like that.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there's actually more than one reason...

1. It's my way of saying THANK YOU for choosing to try my method and being a committed learner just like my personal students (from the other side of the world).

2. Because (unlike many self-proclaimed teachers or ear training programs out there who bluff way more than actually showing that they can do it), I actually preach what I teach - meaning that I use the same method everyday in my thousands of piano covers posted onto YouTube . So since I am at the finishing line already, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff.

3. I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to also get your hands on my many other useful music courses in the future.

4. I'm sorta like a show-off... I'm not going to lie. I'm sick and tired seeing expensive traditional teachers, online music advertisements, and even some music software promoting that they can teach 'playing by ear' without providing any proof to back it up or that they can even do it! Remember not to believe 99% of online programs unless they provide solid evidence that they can perform the thing that YOU want to learn. I know you would not want to pay a golf player (who doesn't show that they can play tennis) to teach you tennis, just like how you should not pay a classical player (who can't prove that they can instantly play a song by ear) to teach you how to obtain ear mastery because it is simply not their best profession.

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Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

Over the years I have changed, tweaked and modified this book for over 15 times because eventually I would want to publish this book into a physical form, and by then - this page would not exist.

As for now, if this page is still here, then this special offer is still up. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your FULL Copy Or FREE Preview Now Before It Is Gone...

Thanks for giving up some of your time to have this conversation with me and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Amos (Owner of Amosdoll Music and Founder of

P.S. In case you're one of those people (just like me) who just scroll right to the end of the page, here's the deal:


I'm mailing you a 160+ page book, "Ear Mastery - How To Play Any Song By Ear On The Piano Without Sheet Music Or Guessing" (that was originally $29.95) now for $7.  You can preview the chapter for FREE, and all you pay is $7 for the full version to be instantly sent to you anywhere in the world.

There's no catch and no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

So, Click the button below to get your copy now. You won't regret it.


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