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  1. Election ends in hung Parliament: Conservatives win 318 seats, Labour 262
  2. PM confirms five top cabinet posts, including chancellor and foreign secretary
  3. Tories to form government with DUP to 'provide certainty' and keep country 'safe'
  4. Theresa May's government 'will carry on Brexit negotiations to existing timetable'
  5. Jeremy Corbyn hails Labour's 'incredible result' and calls for May to resign
  6. The Lib Dems' Tim Farron also calls on May to quit
  7. SNP will work with others to keep 'reckless' Tories out 'if at all possible'
  8. Paul Nuttall resigns as UKIP leader after the party won no seats

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Arlene Foster

A look at the DUP's 10 MPs after Theresa May says she will form a government with their support.

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Today's events: what's happened?

Downing Street
Getty Images

That's all from us for tonight - but before we go, here's a round-up of what's happened in an extraordinary day.

Election ends in hung Parliament: Conservatives win 318 seats, Labour 262

Speaking after visiting Buckingham Palace, Theresa May said only her party had the "legitimacy" to govern, despite falling eight seats short of a majority.

PM confirms five top cabinet posts, including chancellor and foreign secretary

Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon, Brexit Secretary David Davis, Home Secretary Amber Rudd, Chancellor Philip Hammond and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson all keep their positions.

Tories to form government with DUP to 'provide certainty' and keep country 'safe'

It is thought Mrs May will seek some kind of informal arrangement that could see the DUP "lend" its support to the Tories on a vote-by-vote basis, known as "confidence and supply".

Theresa May's government 'will carry on Brexit negotiations to existing timetable'

European Council president Donald Tusk has warned the UK that time is running out and there was a risk of a "no deal" outcome as a result of no negotiations taking place.

Jeremy Corbyn hails Labour's 'incredible result' and calls for May to resign

He said the PM should "make way" for a government that would be "truly representative of the people of this country" and said Labour was ready to form a minority government of its own.

The Lib Dems' Tim Farron also calls on May to quit

The party said Mrs May should be "ashamed" of carrying on.

SNP will work with others to keep 'reckless' Tories out 'if at all possible'

The SNP remains the largest party in Scotland but lost 21 seats to the Tories, Labour and the Lib Dems.

Paul Nuttall resigns as UKIP leader after the party won no seats

He said it was clear "UKIP requires a new focus and new ideas" but was confident it had a "great future". He also deleted his Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Follow continuing developments over the weekend here.

May's time as leader 'over'

BBC News Channel

Tim Montgomerie says Theresa May's time as leader "is over".

He says it is just a matter of time before she is replaced.

He says Tory MPs fear there could be another election and "they can't go into another election with her", adding: "A change is coming. It is just a matter of when, not if."

'Tories did not respect electorate'

BBC News Channel

Journalist Tim Montgomerie says the Tory election campaign failed to recognise the intelligence of the electorate.

Appearing on the paper review for the BBC News channel, he says simply repeating Theresa May's "robotic" mantra of strong and stable did not work.

'May has no mandate in Northern Ireland'

BBC Newsnight tweets...

Main parties 'fooled' by polling

BBC Newsnight's policy editor Chris Cook says while most of the polls may have been wrong ahead of the election, the two major parties were also fooled by the end result.

He told the programme both parties had significantly miscalculated the mood of the public and that the Tories' calculations were "double digits wrong".

He also says that while the Conservatives picked up about half of the voters who left UKIP and Labour won about a quarter, Jeremy Corbyn's party picked up many more votes in seats where UKIP didn't stand candidates.

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Times leader calls for May to go

The editor of the Times has tweeted the paper's editorial in tomorrow's paper. It says Theresa May is now "fatally wounded".

The prime minister's pledge to ensure a period of stability "must be her parting gift" it concludes.

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New voters?

Newsnight presenter tweets...

May’s former director of communications: ‘I had to beg her to do media’

BBC Radio 5 live

Katie Perrior is critical of Theresa May’s “chaotic” general election campaign.

Katie Perrior was Theresa May's director of communications at 10 Downing Street until April this year.

She told Radio 5 live that she had to “beg” the prime minister to do media and says the Tory campaign has been “chaotic".

“Normally you'd be shouted at - why am I not on the sofa of Breakfast TV shows? I used to have the opposite, I used to have to beg her to do something because she just really didn’t want to do it.”

'It's not the number of MPs that counts - it's how you use them'

More schadenfreude, this time from Police Community, an online forum for officers.

During the campaign, Labour accused Mrs May of "letting austerity damage" security by allowing total police officer numbers to fall while she was home secretary.

She insisted she had protected counter-terror police budgets.

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Newsnight opens with Johnny Cash

Newsnight began tonight's programme with a montage of Theresa May's general election story set to a Johnny Cash song - called Hurt.

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Scotland's Tory leader responds to Telegraph story

Scottish Conservative leader tweets...

More warnings over DUP co-operation?

Conservative MP tweets

'Completely shell-shocked'

Newsnight tweets

Canterbury students: 'Corbyn actually wanted our opinion'

Labour's pledge to scrap tuition fees was one popular policy

The town of Canterbury in Kent has become a Labour constituency for the first time in its history.

The BBC speaks to students at the University of Kent in the city about what motivated them to vote the way they did.

'Leafleting withdrawal'

For all of those whose letterboxes have been stuffed with party political material over the past few weeks, one Labour MP tweets...

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May 'will have to face realities'

Senior economic adviser to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Michael Fuchs, has told BBC Newshour that Theresa May may now have to soften her approach to Brexit talks with the EU.

Maybe this is a chance that we can come up to a more reasonable Brexit negotiations because in the last time I really had the feeling that everything was just being very tough and it doesn't make sense to be tough. We want to have a fair deal with Britain and we want to have a fair final Brexit negotiations. Hopefully, this could be a little bit better now."

Tory thanks in short supply?

Mark Wallace, executive editor of ConservativeHome tweets...

The Sun: 'She's had her chips'

Tories grandees have vowed to "oust" prime minister Theresa May, but not for six months, according to the Sun. It says party chiefs agree that she cannot survive the election "disaster".

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Trump and Macron congratulate May

Theresa May and Donald Trump

Theresa May has taken two congratulatory telephone calls from world leaders today, Downing Street has said.

French President Emmanuel Macron also invited Mrs May to visit France "at the earliest possible opportunity".

US President Donald Trump also rang the PM "to offer his congratulations", Number 10 said, saying: "Both sides agreed they look forward to continuing the close cooperation between our two countries."

Daily Star: Teflon Tezza toughs it out

The Daily Star says "battered" Theresa May has vowed to stay on as prime minister, but Boris Johnson is favourite to replace her.

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Reported in the Telegraph

Conservative commentator tweets

Bedtime reading

Commons library tweets...

What happens now in Parliament?


13 June - Election of Speaker, with John Bercow expected to stand again

14 June - MPs sworn in

15 June - MPs sworn in

19 June - State Opening of Parliament. The House is expected to meet from 11.25am for the Queen’s Speech

20 June - The debate on the Queen’s Speech usually lasts for six sitting days and is expected to conclude on 27 June.

Views from around the UK: Dudley Market

BBC Radio 5 live

BBC Radio 5 live's Phil Mackie has been speaking to voters in Dudley North, a constituency that Labour's Ian Austin held by 22 votes from the Conservatives.

People visiting Dudley market air their views on the 2017 general election results.

Express: May clings on to save EU exit

Leaving the EU must now be Britain's "top priority", the Daily Express says. It says the prime minister is clinging on to power to save Brexit.

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Scottish Telegraph: 'Scots Tories go their own way'

Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Conservative leader, is preparing to "tear her party away from English control", the Scottish edition of the Telegraph says.

It says Ms Davidson's aides "are working on a deal that would see the Scottish party break away to form a separate organisation".

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Telegraph: May fights to remain PM

The Daily Telegraph says leading Conservatives have been "taking soundings" over whether to replace Theresa May as prime minister. It says Boris Johnson, Amber Rudd and David Davis are potential replacements.

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The Mail: Tories turn on Theresa

The Daily Mail says the election result has plunged the Conservatives into "civil war" after Theresa May's "disastrous campaign".

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The TImes: 'May stares into the abyss'

Theresa May is clinging to power but at the mercy of her cabinet, opponents in her own party and the DUP, the Times says.

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Pro-EU paper lays into May

The pro-EU paper the New European doesn't mince its words on its front page tomorrow, saying: "All Brexit bets are off."

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More front pages arrive

Three more of Saturday's front pages have arrived. The Daily Mirror says there is now a "Coalition of Crackpots", while both the Financial Times and the i say Theresa May "clings to power".

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Davidson sought 'categoric' assurance

Ruth Davidson
Getty Images

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has spoken to the BBC about the assurances she has been seeking from Theresa May about LGBTI rights and the DUP.

The DUP opposes same-sex marriage, while Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK where same-sex marriage is not legal.

Ms Davidson, who is gay, told Reporting Scotland she had spoken to the prime minister this evening.

I was fairly straightforward with her. I told her there are number of things that count to me more than party. One of them is country, one of the others is LGBTI rights. I asked for a categoric assurance that if any deal or scoping deal was done with the DUP there would be absolutely no rescinsion of LGBTI rights in the rest of UK and Great Britain."

Meanwhile, a source close to Ms Davidson told the BBC Theresa May "needs to remember there are more Scottish Conservatives than DUP MPs".

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said it was "the first open suggestion from a senior Conservative questioning the merits of the prime minister’s planned arrangement with the DUP".

Corbyn snapped on the streets

Jeremy Corbyn and Wendy Pedlow
Wendy Pedlow

Wendy Pedlow contacted the BBC to say she bumped into Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn after she left work today - which is close to his house in Islington.

"He was out on the side streets talking to residents," she says. And, as is the modern way, he was asked to pose for a photograph.

The Guardian: From hubris to humiliation

Saturday's front pages are beginning to come through. This is the Guardian's take on the election.

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