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  1. DUP wins 10 seats with Sinn Fein taking 7; independent Sylvia Hermon retains seat
  2. SDLP loses all its three seats; UUP loses South Antrim to DUP
  3. 109 candidates contested 18 Westminster seats
  4. Turnout was up across the board; 1.2m people were eligible to vote in NI
  5. Exit poll predicts Conservatives largest party, but short of parliamentary majority

Live Reporting

By Erinn Kerr, Tori Watson, Ciaran Dunbar and Michael Hirst

All times stated are UK

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Northern Ireland's results are in and we're calling it a night.

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Northern Ireland results

South Down: Sinn Féin gain from SDLP

Election Graphic

Lagan Valley: DUP hold

Election Graphic

DUP tops poll in Northern Ireland

The results are in for all 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland.

It's been a great night for the DUP - which now has 10 MPs - and Sinn Féin, which has seven. Lady Sylvia Hermon, an independent, retains her seat in North Down.

Elected DUP MPs Nigel Dodds, Emma Little-Pengelly and Gavin Robinson with party leader Arlene Foster (middle left)
Press Eye

It's been a tough night for both the Ulster Unionist Party and the SDLP, with both parties' Westminster representation being wiped out.

Foster 'absolutely delighted'

DUP leader Arlene Foster says she's "absolutely delighted" with the election results, which she says showed voters had bought into the DUP's vision and manifesto.

Arlene Foster and Emma Little-Pengelly
DUP delight at result
Press Eye

"It's wrong that half of the country is going to be unrepresented at Westminster," she adds - referring to the victories of Sinn Féin, whose MPs refuse to sit in Westminster.

Gregory Campbell says he has been 'lambasted'

Gregory Campbell holds his East Londonderry seat

South Down - another SDLP stronghold falls

Margaret Ritchie loses her seat as Sinn Fein's Chris Hazzard wins South Down

Sinn Féin takes final Northern Ireland seat from UUP

Michelle Gildernew has taken the final seat in Northern Ireland.

Michelle Gildernew

Just one seat to go - and it could be tight...

Now 17 of the 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland have been declared. We are just waiting on the result from Fermanagh and South Tyrone - and that may be some time.

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Three out of four in Belfast

For the first time ever the DUP now holds three out of four Belfast constituencies.

Gavin Robinson, Emma Little-Pengelly and Nigel Dodds speak to Tara Mills at the Titanic Centre

Gavin Robinson and Nigel Dodds were both returned for Belfast East and North, while Emma Little-Pengelly snatched Belfast South from the SDLP's Alasdair McDonnell.

Sinn Féin holds onto another seat

Mickey Brady has held onto another seat for Sinn Féin - this time in Newry and Armagh, winning a substantial 25,600 votes.

Mickey Brady

Sinn Féin increase their Newry and Armagh vote

East Antrim: DUP hold

Election result

Belfast East: DUP hold

Result graphic

A Foster hug as Dodds is returned in Belfast North

Arlene Foster congratulates party colleague Nigel Dodds with a hug

Nigel Dodds has been returned to Westminster to serve as MP for Belfast North. The Deputy leader of the DUP has held the seat since 2001.

Durkan hits out at Alliance

The SDLP's Mark Durkan says parties who "shot down" the idea of a pro-EU axis should think again about that proposition. He says Alliance rejected the idea for "opportunistic" reasons.

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Mr Durkan lost his Foyle seat to the Sinn Fein's Elisha McCallion.

Barry McElduff holds onto West Tyrone seat

Sinn Féin's Barry McElduff has held his seat in West Tyrone.

Barry McElduff

Three strikes and they're out...

The SDLP has lost all three of its seats at Westminster and party leader Colum Eastwood pays tribute to defeated MPs Margaret Ritchie, Mark Durkan and Alasdair McDonnell.

Colum Eastwood speaks to BBC

"These are three people who have given their lives to Ireland and their constituents," he says.

SDLP leader reflects on a disappointing night

Little-Pengelly pays tribute to McDonnell

The DUP's Emma Little-Pengelly won South Belfast by 2,000 votes, and pays tribute to her defeated SDLP rival.

She says: "I know Alasdair has served South Belfast for many, many decades and has worked incredibly hard for the whole constituency. I genuinely wish him all the best for the future."

Emma Little-Pengelly surrounded by DUP party colleagues at election count centre

An update...

So far, 15 constituencies have declared their winners. The SDLP and UUP are yet to win a seat. There are three more constituencies to go.

Mark Durkan
Press Eye

They are - Fermanagh and South Tyrone; Newry and Armagh; and West Tyrone.

David Simpson returned in Upper Bann

A 9th MP for the DUP has been confirmed.

David Simpson

McDonnell slams 'farcical' vote

Ousted SDLP MP Alasdair McDonnell expresses sympathy for party colleagues Margaret Ritchie and Mark Durkan - both of whom have been defeated by Sinn Fein candidates.

"Neither of them are being replaced by people who are going to do anything," he says

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Mr McDonnell says its farcical for South Down to think that by electing an absentionist MP "they will gain benefit from it".

Ritchie 'holds head high'

Margaret Ritchie has lost her seat in South Down to Sinn Fein's Chris Hazzard. The former SDLP leader had been an MP for the area since 2010.

Margaret Ritchie makes a speech at Eikon centre

She says: "The result tonight was not one we hoped for, but I and my colleagues have helped many, many people in this constituency and in that respect I can hold my head high."

Down has become Hazzard County

DUP take Belfast South from SDLP

Emma Little-Pengelly has taken the Belfast South seat from the SDLP's Allisdair McDonnell.

Emma Little Pengelly

Francie Molloy returned in Mid Ulster

Sinn Féin candidate Francie Molloy is returned in Mid Ulster.

France Molloy

McCallion 'delighted'

The newly elected Sinn Féin MP for Foyle, Elisha McCallion, says she's delighted.

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She says it has been an extremely successful day for Sinn Féin, and that her party will be focusing its energy on the Dáil and on Brussels.

Indications McDonnell has lost his seat

Foyle: SF gain from SDLP

Election result

Elisha McCallion pays tribute to 'inspiration' Martin McGuinness

Sinn Féin's Elisha McCallion takes Foyle from the SDLP

Chris Hazzard takes South Down from SDLP

Sinn Féin's Chris Hazzard takes the seat from the SDLP's Margaret Ritchie.

Chris Hazzard

Nigel Dodds returned for a fifth time in North Belfast

Nigel Dodds becomes the next DUP incumbent to hold onto their seat.

Nigel Dodds

North Antrim: DUP hold

Result graphic

A familiar sight: Ian Paisley elected in North Antrim

Ian Paisley has regained his North Antrim seat for the DUP with a massive 28,521 votes.

Ian Paisley
Press Eye
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Durkan apologises to Hume

Defeated Foyle MP Mark Durkan says "I cannot tell a lie - I can't say that it doesn't hurt.

Mark Durkan speaking after losing his seat in Foyle to Elisha McCallion

"But I want to congratulate Elisha McCallion and to agree with her, that representing the people in this city is a privilege and it's one that I've enjoyed for the last 12 years," says the former SDLP leader.

"I want to apologise to John and Pat Hume if any shortcomings on my part, or the part of any of us, have led to any sense of there being a dent in the truth for which they endeavoured and indeed the truth of their endeavours.

"Their achievements and contributions to this city are not diminished by our result."

Rain doesn't dampen the vote - especially in Fermanagh and S Tyrone!

SDLP's Belfast bother?

The SDLP's Alasdair McDonnell has told BBC NI's Kevin Magee that he has lost his South Belfast seat.

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Indications are that South Belfast will be taken by the DUP's Emma Little-Pengelly.

A sad night for the SDLP

Gavin Robinson returned in Belfast East

Gavin Robinson has held onto his seat in Belfast East. He beat off competition from Alliance leader Naomi Long.

Gavin Robinson