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28 Jul 2017 Last updated at 18:14 GMT

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  Pound Sterling - Euro
GBP:EUR one month chart
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£1 buys
52 wk-h
52 wk-l
1.19680 1.09720  

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Asia Pacific
£1 buys
52 wk-h
52 wk-l
Japanese Yen 145.52500
147.87500 125.54500  
Australian Dollar 1.64470
1.77210 1.59090  
New Zealand Dollar 1.74890
1.88720 1.67710  
Hong Kong Dollar 10.25600
10.42500 9.34200  
Singapore Dollar 1.78200
1.82510 1.67330  
Taiwanese Dollar 39.78200
42.45600 37.56400  
Thai Baht 43.83000
46.64000 42.55000  
Malaysian Ringgit 5.62400
5.66550 5.06780  
Indonesian Rupiah 17507.00000
17704.00000 15788.00000  
South Korean Won 1474.20000
1502.60000 1366.10000  
Philippine Peso 66.37200
66.36000 58.80200  
Vietnamese Dong 29852.50000
29980.50000 27057.50000  
Chinese Yuan 8.84680
8.97420 8.14990  
South Asia
£1 buys
52 wk-h
52 wk-l
Indian Rupee 84.22500
89.14500 79.53500  
Bangladeshi Taka 105.98000
108.24000 95.18000  
Pakistani Rupee 138.39000
140.61000 126.13000  
Sri Lankan Rupee 201.88000
201.39000 178.74000  
Europe / Africa / Middle East
£1 buys
52 wk-h
52 wk-l
Euro 1.11790
1.19680 1.09720  
Danish Kroner 8.31300
8.90300 8.16300  
Israeli Shekel 4.67190
5.09700 4.45600  
Norwegian Kroner 10.40050
11.29550 9.92450  
Saudi Arabian Riyal 4.92500
5.04160 4.51780  
South African Rand 17.10470
19.36210 15.52280  
Swedish Kronor 10.67030
11.68970 10.66760  
Swiss Franc 1.27420
1.30540 1.19360  
Turkish Lira 4.63470
4.85610 3.74050  
Iranian Rial 42995.80080
42907.39840 36488.50000  
Ukrainian Hryvnia 34.17730
36.20740 31.16380  
Russian Rouble 78.22000
88.67000 69.75000  
£1 buys
52 wk-h
52 wk-l
United States Dollar 1.31310
1.34410 1.20470  
Canadian Dollar 1.63380
1.77600 1.58730  
Mexican Peso 23.38870
27.08600 22.57570  
Brazilian Real 4.12940
4.42630 3.79460  
Argentinean Peso 23.36800
23.03400 18.41770  
Bolivian Boliviano 9.15950
9.32250 8.35450  
Chilean Peso 858.47000
903.16000 791.35000  
Colombian Peso 3939.80000
4127.79980 3536.10010  
Salvadoran Colon 11.49800
11.72900 10.51100  
Guatemalan Quetzal 9.58000
10.14200 8.96300  
Peru Nuevo Sol 4.25490
4.56910 3.98630  
Uruguay Peso 37.27000
39.78200 34.06200  
Venezuela Bolivar Fuerte 13.10560
13.41560 12.02220  
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