NE Scotland, Orkney & Shetland

Environmental concerns over Trump's golf plans at Menie

Donald Trump Image copyright PA
Image caption Donald Trump's bid for a second golf course at the Menie Estate has been hit with planning objections

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) has raised formal concerns to Donald Trump's company's proposals for a new golf course in Aberdeenshire.

The Trump Organisation has submitted plans for a second 18-hole course at the Menie resort.

If given the go-ahead, the course would be named Mary Macleod after Mr Trump's Scottish mother.

Sepa wants the plans to be revised over sewage and pollution concerns.

The Trump Organisation already owns an 18-hole course at the site.

Aberdeenshire Council is due to discuss the planning application at a meeting on the 22 August.

In its submission, Sepa detailed concerns over waste water drainage associated with the planning application.

The environment organisation also raised concerns about proposals to plant non-native plants near Hole 5 of the course as well as a failure to supply an up-to-date environmental management plan.

The Trump Organisation will now have the opportunity to revise its plans to comply with Sepa's demands.