Self-reliance Strategy (1999-2003) for refugee hosting areas in Moyo, Arua and Adjumani districts, Uganda

This report presents the main findings and recommendations of the mid-term review of the Self-Reliance Strategy for Refugee Hosting Areas of Moyo, Adjumani and Arua Districts of Northern Uganda (SRS). The review was undertaken by a seven person team from 8 February to 3 March 2004 in Uganda. Rapid progress was made during the early stages (1998/99) but implementation slowed down and virtually ground to a halt shortly after due to a variety of factors (lack of a common understanding between UNHCR and OPM, inadequate funding, resistance by some of the districts due to perceived lack of sensitivity to the concerns they raised, as well as the top-down manner of its introduction, and personnel changes within both UNHCR and OPM). A new phase began in December 2001 when the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Disaster Preparedness sent out a memorandum to all districts indicating that the strategy was official government policy and instructing the districts to proceed with implementation.
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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees