Evaluation of the protracted refugee situation (PRS) for Burundians in Tanzania

In 2008, the High Commissioner (HC) launched a Special Initiative on Protracted Refugee Situations (PRS) to promote durable solutions and improvements in the life of refugees in these situations. The HC’s Initiative focuses on five situations in different parts of the world where refugees have been living in exile for long periods of time. The initiative covered: the Croatian and Bosnian refugees in Serbia; the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh; the Eritrean refugees in Eastern Sudan; Burundian refugees in Tanzania; and Afghan refugees in Pakistan and Iran. In 2010 UNHCR decided to evaluate the overall progress of the PRS Initiative. Due to an overlap in strategic interests, between Denmark and UNHCR, in evaluating the PRS initiative in Tanzania, a partnership agreement was established between the Policy Development and Evaluation Service (PDES) in UNHCR and the Evaluation Department (EVAL) in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was agreed that the two evaluation departments would commission an independent joint evaluation of the protracted refugee situation initiative in Tanzania. The Evaluation was carried out by team leader Anne-Lise Klausen from Nordic Consulting Group supported by independent Tanzanian consultant Grace Rwegoshora.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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