Guidance Note

Guiding principles on the access of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons to the labour market

1. These guiding principles are addressed to all member States of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and employers’ and workers’ organizations as a basis for the formulation of policy responses and national tripartite dialogue on the access of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons 3 to the labour market. 2. Theprinciplesarevoluntaryandnon-binding,flexibleinnatureandnotintendedtogenerate additional obligations for member States. 3.

SA Somalia Results Chains Package

Members of SA Somalia Group agreed that one of the first activities of the Alliance would be to develop a regional durable solutions framework that will facilitate the collaboration between the various organizations working on Somali displacement. The framework takes its starting point in already existing frameworks, including the IASC framework on durable solutions for IDPs.

Durable Solutions - A preliminary Operational Guide

Joint Strategies to support Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Refugees Returning to their Country of Origin: A preliminary operational guide to the United Nations Secretary-General's decision on durable solutions to displacement.

Detailed Guidance on Forming New Solutions Alliance National Groups

This Guidance Note is intended for anyone who is interested in enabling solutions for refugees and/or internally displaced persons (IDPs) and who is considering using the convening influence of the Solutions Alliance to work towards solutions. It is meant to help highlight the various elements that should be considered when trying to set up a Solutions Alliance National Group.