Summary Report: Displacement and development in the Somalia context - How does the Somali New Deal Compact account for displacement?
Key messages:
1. The event provided a forum for a resounding consensus - among international organisations, governments engaged in the Somalia New Deal Compact, and the Government of Somalia - that lasting solutions for displaced people from and within Somalia should be a benchmark against which progress of the New Deal is measured.
2. Participants clearly echoed that strengthened resilience is integral to broader development, and short-term humanitarian efforts must therefore be combined with longer-term development activities to address structural issues such as displacement. Such activities should be on a macro scale.
3. The discussion provided an opportunity for the Government of Somalia to voice its intention to include the social and economic development of the displaced in development plans.
4. The panel presentations provided an opportunity for the international community to thank the neighbouring countries to Somalia for hosting Somali refugees. Neighbouring countries in return voiced support to the efforts of the High Level Forum.
5. Interventions reiterated the importance of the Solutions Alliance's work in Somalia and encouraged relevant actors to actively contribute to its efforts.
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