JORDAN                   Adnan’s birth certificate was destroyed in Syria when their home burned down during the conflict. His mother Maha worries that this might prevent Adnan from one day being able to return to his own...


MALAYSIA                   “The flowers blossom beautifully. I want a life like a flower – happy and beautiful. I don’t know if I will have the chance to have that because I don’t have documentation.” (Kavita, 22) ©...


THAILAND                   This tea farm that my family works on explained Sen, 16. © UNHCR Thailand’s stateless population is mostly made up of indigenous ‘Hill Tribe’ groups living in mountainous regions bordering...


ITALY                   I don’t feel physical – this is statelessness. I know the road but I am not able to follow it. I am just a shadow. (Ned, 24). © UNHCR Italy hosts a large number of Roma, many of whom are stateless....


GEORGIA                   “I took a photo of the sea because it is the only thing big enough to contain all the emotions that I feel as a stateless person.” (Nino, 19) After the dissolution of the Soviet Union,...


COTE D’IVOIRE                   Annick is around 13 years old and stateless, playing with her friend Fatou. © UNHCR / Arnaud Froger Côte d’Ivoire hosts the largest stateless population in Africa. Statelessness in Côte...
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