ETC Humenne | Emergency Transit Centre

Emergency Transit Centre (ETC) Humenne in Slovakia was originally set up to house a specific group of Palestinian refugees from the Al Waleed Camp in Iraq in 2009. The agreement was extended in 2010 to become a permanent evacuation facility.

ETC Humenne, the second emergency facility established in Central Europe, provides temporary placement of up to six months for refugees needing immediate evacuation from the country where they had first sought refuge due to concerns over safety or the threat of being returned to the territory they originally fled from. The asylum centre is made up of three buildings, and can hold up to 100 people.

Refugees stay in the ETC while their resettlement to a host country is finalized. Not only does the ETC provide refugees with a safe and stable environment while they conclude interviews and paperwork for resettlement, they are also able to receive language training and cultural orientation for their new home, and medical care for those refugees with health issues.