Last Updated: Friday, 01 November 2019, 13:47 GMT

Forum 18

Forum 18 is an organization that promotes the implementation of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and concentrates upon gross and open breaches of religious freedom, especially situations where the lives of individuals or groups are threatened, and where the right to gather based upon belief is threatened.  Website:
Selected filters: Kyrgyzstan
Showing 71-80 of 91 results
Kyrgyzstan: Wide-ranging extremism law not seen as threat

19 October 2005 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kyrgyzstan: Breakdown of functioning government affects Protestants

23 June 2005 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kyrgyzstan: Official claims government control of Islam

16 June 2005 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kyrgyzstan: Chinese pressure achieves Falun Gong deregistration

22 March 2005 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kyrgyzstan: Why did government newspaper attack missionaries?

20 August 2004 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kyrgyzstan: Will the government or won't the government target Ahmadis?

17 May 2004 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kyrgyzstan: Muslims say presence of male obstetrician violates their beliefs

15 March 2004 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Central Asia: State Policy towards Muslims in Central Asia

16 February 2004 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Central Asia: State policy towards religious minorities in Central Asia

21 January 2004 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kyrgyzstan: Religious freedom survey, January 2004

7 January 2004 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

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