Last Updated: Friday, 01 November 2019, 13:47 GMT

Greece: Adequate housing for Elliniko residents

Publisher Amnesty International
Publication Date 24 May 2017
Reference EUR 25/6338/2017
Cite as Amnesty International, Greece: Adequate housing for Elliniko residents , 24 May 2017, available at: [accessed 2 November 2019]
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On 23 May, Amnesty International was informed by the Greek Ministry for Migration Policy that a registration process has begun in the Elliniko refugee camps in order to determine the specific housing needs of each resident ahead of the closure of the camps.

According to interviews Amnesty International carried out with a number of residents, this process started on Tuesday 23 May at least in one of the camps, which is set up on the unused Olympic baseball field in Elliniko. Residents said that during their registration, they were asked questions relating to their special needs and told that they will be later provided with information on where they will be transferred to.

This is a highly necessary and welcome step from the Greek authorities. Amnesty International hopes that the information collected during the registration exercise will lead to individuals and families being offered housing that is adequate to their needs.

Amnesty International is aware that the majority of the non-governmental organisations providing vital services in the camps were ordered by the Ministry for Migration Policy to leave by 23 May. According to information available to Amnesty International, as of 23 May only two organisations are present in the camps to provide medical services and distribute food, and IOM is assisting the Greek authorities with the registration process.

Until all residents are transferred to alternative housing, authorities must ensure the safety, security and health of all Elliniko residents and provide them with access to, at least, services that were available to them until now.

While welcoming the individual registration process inquiring about the specific needs of Elliniko residents prior to their transfer to alternative housing, Amnesty International continues to urge the Greek authorities to:

- Ensure that the ongoing registration process allows women and girls to raise their specific needs.

- Provide adequate, alternative housing to all Elliniko residents following individual consultation over their needs. Alternative housing must be safe and secure, taking into account specific needs of women and girls.

- Take immediate measures to ensure the safety, security and health of residents until they are all transferred to alternative housing.

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