Zainab Salbi

Millions of women across the world are suffering because they cannot say #IBelong An Iraqi American, Zainab founded Women for Women. She is the author of “Between Two Worlds: Escape from Tyranny: Growing Up in the Shadow of Saddam” and “The Other Side of War:...

Rokia Traoré

As a mother it seems inconceivable that I would not be able to pass my nationality on to my children. We need to make sure that all mothers and their children can say #IBelong. A global performer from the prestigious Barbican to Glastonbury Festival. She collaborated...

Peter Capaldi

Statelessness is a grave injustice inflicted upon millions of innocent people. They deserve to say #Ibelong.   Peter is currently playing the 12th incarnation of television Time Lord DR WHO. Previously, Peter featured in numerous film, TV and stage productions. He won...

Maria Eugénia Da Silva Neto

“Ask the sun why on it´s third planet, the earth, there are human beings that have no soil to grow out of. They are Apatrides, denied of that right from others! Mandated by whom? By you sun?”  Maria Eugenia da Silva Neto, joined Angola’s independence...

Marguerite Abouet

“Je crois que tout le monde à le droit d’appartenir” Originaire d’Abidjan, Marguerite Abouet crée en 2005 le personnage d’Aya de Yopougon qui raconte une Afrique loin des clichés de la guerre et de la famine. En 2006, elle est célébrée au Festival international...
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